BHS ELA Instructional Guide

Unpacked Standard

Reading 9-10.14

RL.9-10.14 ● Analyze two or more works of fiction with similar themes or topics, drawing on patterns of events, characters types, and stylistic choices. (RL) ● Analyze how two or more texts about the same topic shape their presentations by emphasizing di ff erent evidence or advancing di ff erent interpretations of facts; identify where the texts disagree on matters of fact or interpretation. (RI)

*text in blue indicates new elements for your current grade-level CONCEPTS (Nouns)

SKILLS (Verbs)

Literary Texts ● Analyze ● Drawingon

Literary Texts ● Works of fction ● Themes ● Topics ● Patterns of events ● Character types ● Stylistic choices

Informational Texts ● Texts ● Presentations ● Evidence ● Interpretations of facts ● Disagree on matters of fact or interpretation

Informational Texts ● Analyze ● Shape ● Emphasizing ● Identify

Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Examples

Literary Texts Learning Intention: I am learning how to analyze two or more works of fction with similar topics or themes. Success Criteria: I know I’ll have it when, ● I can analyze individual works for theme, topic, patterns of events, character types, and/or stylistic choices. ● I can recognize when different works of fction have similar themes, topics, patterns of events, character types, and/or stylistic choices. ● I can analyze and compare/contrast multiple texts for theme and topic, using patterns of events, character types, and stylistic choices to support my analysis. Informational Texts Learning Intention: I am learning how to analyze two or more texts about the same topic. Success Criteria: I know I’ll have it when, ● I can analyze each text’s evidence and which evidence they emphasize vs. the other. ● I can analyze each text’s interpretation of facts. ● I can identify where the texts disagree on evidence and interpretation of those facts.

Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 207

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