BHS ELA Instructional Guide

Unpacked Standard

Reading 9-10.11

RL.9-10.11 Analyze how an author’s geographic location, identity or background, culture, and time perioda ff ect the perspective, point of view, purpose, and implicit/explicit messages of a text. (RL & RI)

*text in blue indicates new elements for your current grade-level CONCEPTS (Nouns) SKILLS (Verbs)

● Analyze ● Affect

● Geographic location ● Identity ● Background ● Culture ● Time period

● Perspective ● Point of view ● Purpose ● Implicit/explicit messages ● Text

Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Examples

Learning Intention: I am learning how learning about the author can deepen my understanding of a text.

Success Criteria: I know I’ll have it when, ● I can research about the author of a text I am reading (geographic location, identity or background, culture, and time period). ● I can explain how the information learned about an author affects the perspective, point of view, purpose, and implicit/explicit messages of a text. Learning Progression Example 1. Research the author of a text using the internet and lateral reading, consulting biographic information given, and research the culture and time period the work was written in. 2. Identify the perspective, point of view, purpose, and explicit/implicit messages of a text. 3. Make connections between the author’s background with the perspective, point of view, purpose, and messages in the text. 4. Analyze how the author’s background affects the text. Academic Language

geographic location, perspective, point of view, purpose, implicit, explicit Strategies to Support Teaching the Standard ● Determining Author’s Purpose Chart Question Stems and Prompts for Assessment

● What do you know about the author and what do you need to learn about the author? ● What references do you see in the text that relate to the author’s geographic location, identity

Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 201

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