BHS ELA Instructional Guide

Unpacked Standard

Reading 9-10.8

RL.9-10.8 Determine the meaning and impact of words and phrases on meaning, tone, and mood. Analyze figurative language and connotative meanings. Examine domain-specific vocabulary and how language di ff ers across genres and text types. (RL & RI)

*text in blue indicates new elements for your current grade-level CONCEPTS (Nouns)

SKILLS (Verbs)

● Determine ● Analyze ● Examine

● Meaning ● Impact ● Words and phrases ● Tone ● Mood ● Figurative language

● Connotative meanings ● Domain-specifc vocabulary ● Language ● Genres ● Text types

Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Examples Learning Intention: I am learning to determine the meaning of words and phrases (including fgurative language, connotative meanings, and domain-specifc vocabulary) and analyze their impact on the meaning, tone, and mood of a text. Success Criteria: I know I’ll have it when, ● I can identify unknown and important words and phrases. ● I can identify several types of fgurative language in the text. ● I can identify connotative meanings of words and phrases (specifc and multiple) in a text. ● I can identify and defne domain-specifc vocabulary in a text. ● I can analyze how words and phrases infuence the meaning of a text. ● I can analyze how words and phrases infuence the tone of a text. ● I can analyze how words and phrases infuence the mood of a text. ● I can explain how language differs across genre and text type. Learning Progression Example 1. Identify unknown and/or important words and phrases in a text. 2. Recognize the use of fgurative language in a text. 3. Analyze the use of fgurative language on a text. 4. Understand and explain the difference between mood and tone. 5. Identify connotative meanings of specifc words and phrases in a text. a. Analyze their infuence on the meaning of a text. b. Analyze their infuence on the tone of a text. c. Analyze their infuence on the mood of a text. d. Show support for analysis of the impact on the meaning, tone, and mood. 6. Defne different genres and text types. 7. Explain how language should differ across the genres and text types.

Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 195

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