BHS ELA Instructional Guide

Unpacked Standard

Speaking & Listening 9-10.3

SL.9-10.3 Use appropriate language, grammar, organization, development, and delivery styles appropriate to purpose and audience for formal or informal contexts. a. Convey a clear perspective by concisely presenting and citing information, findings, and supporting evidence so that listeners can follow the line of reasoning.

*text in blue indicates new elements for your current grade-level CONCEPTS (Nouns)

SKILLS (Verbs)

● Use ● Convey ● Presenting ● Citing

● Language ● Grammar

● Formal contexts ● Informal contexts ● Perspective ● Information ● Findings ● Supporting evidence ● Line of reasoning

● Organization ● Development ● Delivery Styles ● Purpose ● Audience

Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Examples

Learning Intention: I am learning how to present information using an appropriate style for the audience, purpose, and context.

Success Criteria: I know I’ll have it when, ● I can concisely present information, fndings, and supporting evidence. ● I can present information so that listeners can follow the line of reasoning. ● I can use appropriate language and grammar in my presentation that is appropriate to the purpose, audience, and context of the presentation. ● I can use appropriate organization and development in my presentation that is appropriate to the purpose, audience, and context of the presentation. ● I can use appropriate style in my presentation that is appropriate to the purpose, audience, and context of the presentation. ● I can cite the information used in the presentation. Learning Progression Example 1. Identify the information, fndings, and supporting evidence to be presented based on a topic, text, or issue. 2. Determine the purpose, audience, and context of the presentation. 3. Determine and outline the organization of the presentation. 4. Develop the presentation by determining which information, fndings, and evidence to use. 5. Practice presentation. 6. Perform a presentation with appropriate language and grammar for the purpose, audience, and context. 7. Perform presentation in the style that is appropriate language and grammar for the purpose, audience, and context.

Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 185

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