BHS ELA Instructional Guide

Book Approval Process

As stated in District Policy 600.02 - Instructional Materials, any book taught in its entirety will need to be approved by the district committee (600.03-3.4 Supplemental Instructional Materials).

Criteria for novel approval: ● Text Complexity

○ Quantitative text complexity ○ Qualitative text complexity ○ Task and reader complexity ● Curriculum map and standards alignment ● Community appropriateness

Process for novel approval: 1. Teacher submits rationale ensuring that the novel meets the requirements for approval based on text complexity rubrics (qualitative, quantitative, task and reader), map alignment, support of the standards, and community appropriateness. 2. The district Book Selection Committee will review the book and application for approval. The committee consists of district personnel, teachers, administrators, and parents from each feeder system. 3. The committee will either approve or deny the application and rationale will be written on the application. The book will be added to the database.* A novel may be re-submitted after consideration of use and change to the original submission. To add a novel that has been approved for another grade or system, parts of previously approved novel rationales may be used. ● Concerns about materials should be communicated to the school’s administrator. ● Questions about the approval process should be directed to the Instructional Supports Department.

*The database was frst created in 2017.




Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 16

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