BHS ELA Instructional Guide

Unit 3

Infuence of Mythology


Key Language Uses



Key Standards Strand 3: Context, Infuence, and Signifcance. Students will investigate the historicity, infuence, and signifcance of classical, world, and indigenous myths, legends, and folklore on modern cultures and societies. 1. Describe how myths, legends, and folklore portray different versions of historical events, fgures, and peoples. 2. Analyze how myths, legends, and folklore refect, infuence, and shape the values of cultures and societies. 3. Evaluate the infuences and signifcance of classical and global myths, legends, and folklore on modern media and culture, including themes, motifs, and archetypes. 5. Cite relevant textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including analyzing where the text implies ambiguity. (RL & RI) 6.a When reading texts, including those from diverse cultures, determine two or more themes and analyze their development, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account, and provide an objective summary that includes textual evidence. (RL) Writing 2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the e ff ective selection, organization, and analysis of content, and provide a conclusion that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented. 4. Conduct research projects to craft an argument, answer a question, or provide an analysis. Essential Questions ELA Connecting Standards Reading:

What impact do myths, legends, and folklore have on culture (historic and modern)? End of Unit Writing Competency Example

Students research a mythological system and present to the class a report on the mythological system and its impact on the culture. Students collect a diary of mythology references in modern life. They research the reference and explain how it has impacted modern culture. Scaffolding in Action

● Have students keep a journal of references to mythology they see in advertisements, books, television, movies, etc. ● Clash of the Gods videos by the HIstory Channel has videos that

Skill Building

Last Updated August 13, 2024

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