BHS ELA Instructional Guide


4. Collaboration and Evaluation: Students will collaborate with peers in the production and evaluation of writing. 1. Generate ideas and research in collaboration with others to draft, plan, present, and publish original work. 2. Participate in consistent, collaborative discussions about writing produced by peers, self, and outside sources. 3. Articulate, discuss, and refect upon specifc strengths of a piece of writing and provide suggestions for improvement. 4. Consider differing perspectives and opinions when editing, critiquing, collaborating, and conferencing work. 5. Evaluate personal and peer writing through the use of rubrics, checklists, and/or portfolios.

Essential Questions

How can I participate in the writing process to strengthen my poetry? End of Unit Writing Competency Example

Students write a collection of poetry and publish it in a mini-book either in print or digitally.

Scaffolding in Action

● Create a class anthology of mentor texts from - how to guide ● Choose, Select, Opt, or Settle: Exploring Word Choice in Poetry - Read Write Think ● Have students submit their writing to one of Write the World’s competitions for Teens ● Students can sign up for peer reviews and mentors at Write the World ● The New York Times Learning Network has many writing competitions throughout the year students can enter Multilingual Learners will construct language arts narratives that: ● Engage and adjust for audience through ○ Literary devices to enrich the narrative as in similes and metaphors, alliteration, idioms, fgurative and sensory words/phrases.

Skill Building


Language Expectations for Multilingual Learners

Source: WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition

Essential Vocabulary ● Iterative process

● Genre

● Poetic Forms

Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 153

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