BHS ELA Instructional Guide

1. Apply principles of ethical communication appropriate to context: ● Academic honesty ● Bias ● Communication responsibility ● Plagiarism ● Respect for diversity 5. Demonstrate the ability to give and receive constructive criticism to self and peers. 6. Develop presentation skills to convey complex ideas: ● Extemporaneous speech ● Formal register ● Persuasive techniques

7. Analyze the reduction of communication barriers (adversarial mindset, bias, communication, apprehension, environment, noice, nonverbal communication, perception, proxemic/spatial, reticence, semantics) 8. Demonstrate mutual respect in interpersonal communication. 9. Demonstrate appropriate critical, empathetic, appreciative, and refective listening skills in formal and informal situations: ● Active listening behaviors ● False assumptions ● Loaded terms ● Note-taking ● Sarcasm 1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of complex topics or texts, using logical reasoning and relevant, su ffi cient evidence, and provide a conclusion that follows from and supports the argument presented. 2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the e ff ective selection, organization, and analysis of content, and provide a conclusion that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented. 4. Conduct research projects to craft an argument, answer a question, or provide an analysis.

ELA Connecting Standards Writing

Essential Questions ● What constitutes effective communication in public address? End of Unit Writing Competency Example

Compete in Impromptu (IMP), Informative Speaking (INF), Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking (FX), Original Oratory (OO), or National Extemporaneous Speaking (NX) events.

Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 141

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