BHS ELA Instructional Guide

School News Publication


Key Language Uses



Key Standards Students will apply the skills learned in Journalism to produce a school news publication. (Journalism Strands 1-5). 6. Management and Organization: Students will develop management and organizational leadership skills to produce media content. 2. Develop and execute a marketing plan to maximize the awareness and readership of student media. 3. Develop a business plan to learn principles of innovative funding models (e.g. advertising, sponsored content, nonproft model). 4. Investigate educational opportunities and careers in journalism and mass media. 7. Digital Citizenship: Students will be able to recognize good digital citizenship and use best practices in social media. 1. Demonstrate professional social media ethics in use and production. 2. Develop meaningful, engaging content for multiple social media platforms adhering to each platform’s guidelines. 3. Develop strategies for fnding reliable sources on social media and contacting them for interviews. Essential Questions How can I practice the skills of journalism and free speech to produce a school news publication? End of Unit Writing Competency Example Students will write and produce a variety of news articles, video, audio, or social media to contribute to the school news publication. Scaffolding in Action

● Be the Editor - News Literacy Project Checkology Lesson

Skill Building

● Invite a journalist to visit the class - Checkology has journalists that will zoom into your classroom for free ● Create a marketing plan and seek out advertisers for your school publication (print, digital, or media)

Extension (Make it Real)

Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 133

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