BHS ELA Instructional Guide

connection, how multimedia elements enhance text, reader response, storytelling quality of the photo).

2. Apply principles of photography such as composition, lighting, and other important photojournalism concepts. 5. Use professional ethics in producing and selecting photos for publication. 6. Collect accurate information to provide context to the photo and connect it logically to the story that it illustrates (e.g. captions, metadata). 5. Technology and Design: Students will apply appropriate principles of technology and design. 1. Apply available technologies used in publishing to create designs appropriate for media (e.g., desktop publishing, photo editing, web-based media, word processing). 2. Analyze and apply principles of layout and design to create a visually appealing school publication that effectively communicates to the audience. 6. Management and Organization: Students will develop management and organizational leadership skills to produce media content. 1. Apply organization, economic, and management skills necessary to meet student media production schedules.

Essential Questions ● What is the role of a free press in society? ● What are the ethics of journalism? ● What is newsworthy? ● How can I report news that is accurate and without bias? End of Unit Writing Competency Example

Students will use the journalism process to brainstorm, research, write interview questions, interview, plan photography, draft and edit a news article.

Scaffolding in Action

● The First Amendment - News Literacy Project Checkology Lesson ● What is News - News Literacy Project Checkology Lesson ● Practicing Quality Journalism - News Literacy Project Checkology Lesson ● Citizen Watchdogs - News Literacy Project Checkology Lesson ● Write and publish an article in the school newspaper ● Write an op ed for the local newspaper ● Invite a journalist to visit the class - Checkology has journalists that will zoom into your classroom for free.

Skill Building


Language Expectations for

Multilingual Learners will construct informational texts in language

Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 128

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