■ Practice = 0% ■ Assessments = 80% ○ Ex. Using assignment groups to organize assignments:

■ Assignments ■ Assessments ■ Practice Or

■ Quarter 1 Assignments ■ Quarter 2 Assignments ■ Unpublished Assignments

Training Resources ● What assignment types can I create in Canvas? ● How do I add a rubric to an assignment?

● How do I use Speedgrader? ● How do I use DocViewer?

Sharing Content (Exemplars) ● As an instructor, you can use Direct Share to copy individual assignments in one course directly into another course in which you are enrolled. Direct Share also allows you to send assignments to other instructors at your institution. When you copy an assignment, any assets within that assignment (images, fles, etc.) will be included in your assignment copy. ● You can also use Commons to share resources from your courses, as well as search and import content. ● Create a sandbox course that you can use to build and create content without having to be in a live course. When you are ready to use the content, you can share it to one of your own courses or share with a colleague. ● You can add multiple teachers to your sandbox course and make it a collaborative effort. Be careful with this option. When someone is a teacher of the course they have full editing rights. This means they can easily change and/or delete content within the course.

Training Resources ● How do I use Canvas Commons? ● How do I use Direct Share to share with another instructor? ● How do I use Direct Share to share content to another Canvas course?

Recommended Design Elements (Exemplars) ● Accessibility is the practice of making your Canvas course usable by as many people as possible. Traditionally we think of this as being about students who need accommodations and/or scaffolds. This practice also benefts students using mobile devices, or those with slow network connections. ○ Label/title images (including gifs)

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