BHS 11th Grade ELA

Simile, Metaphor, Allegory, Analogy,

Diction, Rhetoric, Ethos, Logos, Pathos, Rhetorical Device, Structure, Syntax Bias

Autobiography,Biograph y, Dialect, Naturalism, Realism, Regionalism, Satire

Flashback, Foreshadowing, Industrialization

Connotative language, Denotative language, frst person narration, unreliable narrator, third person limited, third person omniscient, imagery, tone, irony

Tier II

Interior Monologue, Lost Generation, Prohibition Era, Stream of Consciousness, Alienation, American Dream, Disillusionment, Harlem Renaissance

Protestant Reformation, Puritanism, Oxymoron

Abolition, Antebellum

Age of Reason, Age of Enlightenment, Nationalism

Realism, Romanticism, Self- Reliance, Transcendentalists, Utopian Societies, Naturalism, Optimism, “Fireside Poets,” Individualism, Manifest Destiny

Tier III

What was the social reform that occurred at the turn of the century?

What is the American colonial experience?

How is the development of the United States form of government a compound constitutional republic?

What was pre‐ Reconstruction America like?

Where, how, and why did pre‐ Reconstruction America expand?

How did the growth of industry change the United States?

SS Concepts

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