BHS 11th Grade ELA
Year at a Glance, 2021-2022 Trimester A 12 Weeks Trimester B 12 Weeks
Challenges and Successes of the Twentieth Century How does postmodern text refect change in American values and culture?
The New World / Colonial America
A New Nation
American Romanticism
A Troubled Young Nation
Emerging Modernism
Big Idea
How did the philosophy of the Age of Reason infuence the founding of America?
How did world events infuence isolation and disillusionment in the early American twentieth century?
What infuences shaped Colonial America? What infuences shaped Colonial America?
What philosophies infuenced American Romanticism?
How did the 19th Century shape what it means to be an American?
Essential Question
Suggested Pacing
~4 Weeks
~4 Weeks
~4 Weeks
~4 Weeks
~8 Weeks
Informative/ Rhetorical Analysis
Argument/ Rhetorical Analysis
Argument/ Narrative
Argument/ Narrative
Informative/ Explanatory
Informative/ Explanatory
Writing Focus
Words for Review: Culture, Analysis, Point of view,
Argumentation, Claims, Counter-Claims, Evidence, Reasons
Abolition, Mood Dialect
Prioritized Vocabulary
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