7th Grade Science Guide
7.4: Reproduction & Inheritance 3 Dimensions & Progressions
Unit 5
STANDARD ● 7.4.4 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the technologies that have changed the way humans affect the inheritance of desired traits in organisms. Analyze data from tests or simulations to determine the best solution to achieve success in cultivating selected desired traits in organisms. Examples could include artifcial selection, genetic modifcation, animal husbandry, and gene therapy. (MS-LS4-5)
● Human impact on desired traits in organisms ● Artifcial selection ● Genetic modifcation ● Gene therapy
● Obtain ● Evaluate ● Communicate ● analyze
● Humans have impacted species over times through the use of different technologies. ● Artifcial selection/selective breeding occurs when humans choose a desirable trait and breed for it. ● Humans have learned how to modify genes using new technology that leads to different types of gene therapy for individuals who have genetic mutations.
● Inheritance ● Selective breeding ● Artifcial selection ● Genetic modifcation ● Animal husbandry ● Gene therapy
● Offspring ● Reproduction ● Traits ● Organism ● heredity
● Chromosome ● Mutation ● Genetic Variation
POSSIBLE PHENOMENA ● Dog breeds come in many shapes and sizes, and have different characteristics, but all dogs are descendants of wolves. ● Broccoli, caulifower, brussel sprouts, kale, and cabbage all descended from the wild mustard plant. ● CRISPR has been used to edit the DNA of mosquitos, effectively eliminating their ability to reproduce. END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE SUPPORTS ● I can explain how humans have impacted the inherited traits of organisms in a population using technology.
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