6th Grade Science Guide
6.1.1: Moon & Seasons 3 Dimensions & Progressions
Unit 1
Phenomena: The moon appears to change shape.
● I can explain patterns of changes in the appearance of the moon as it orbits Earth. ● I can model the movement and relative position of Earth, the moon, and the sun.
● Students watch the video clip of the moon throughout a month, and try to describe why the moon appears to change shape over time.
● Moon Phases Time Lapse Video ● Worksheet ● CER resources
Activity: Lunar Phases
● I can explain patterns of changes in the appearance of the moon as it orbits Earth.
● Students will use a lamp, a styrofoam ball on a stick and themselves to model the moon phases. A demonstration of this is found here. Students should have the opportunity to work with a they rotated their arm around earth, and how the light on the styrofoam ball changed. ● Students will then be given a an empty diagram showing the moon rotating around earth, and asked to shade it, similar to what they saw in the activity. partner or small group to describe what they saw as
● Styrofoam ball on a stick ● Lamp ● Moon Phases Model
Activity: Gizmo - Phases of the Moon Simulation
● Defne rotation and revolution. ● Explain why we see Moon phases.
● Understand the phases of the Moon by observing the positions of the Moon, Earth and Sun. A view of the Moon
● Moon Phase Gizmo
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