6th Grade Science Guide
6.1.1: Moon & Seasons 3 Dimensions & Progressions
Unit 1
■ connectors to show relationships (ie. as a result, therefore) ■ If/then clauses (ie. if the sun is … then light is … then the season is …) ● I can develop a model to demonstrate the movement and relative position of Earth, the moon, and the sun. ○ Language Supports: ■ nouns to introduce concepts, ideas, and technical terms to label a model (ie. eclipse, tilt, moon phases, indirect sunlight, direct sunlight, rotation, tilt relative to orbit, differential intensity of light) ■ verbs to demonstrate movement (ie. rotate, spin, orbit, tilt) ■ labeling and graphics (ie. arrows, lines)
Skill Building
Make a model of the Sun, Earth system showing that the tilt of the Earth doesn’t change, which leads to the amount of direct and indirect sunlight. This difference in direct and indirect sunlight is the reason for seasons. How does the Sun, Moon & Earth System contribute to ocean tides? Review these websites/resources: Create a fipgrid, poster, google slide presentation, etc. showing what you learned. Must include ● Claim about Sun, Moon & Earth system contribution to ocean tides. ● 3 pieces of evidence to support your claim. ● Reasons why your evidence supports your claim.
● 6.1.1 Formative Assessment (Moon Phases) ● 6.1.1 Formative Assessment (Seasons)
ELA CONNECTIONS ● Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence and add interest.
● Model with mathematics ● Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities ● Recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities
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