Middle School English Language Arts Instructional Guide

Sample Question Stems and Prompts for Discussion

● What is the main problem, situation, or observation in your narrative? ● How have you introduced the setting, narrator, and/or characters in your story?

● What narrative techniques (e.g., dialogue, description) have you used to develop your characters and event sequences? ● How does your use of descriptive language create a mood and tone appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience? ● What techniques have you used to engage and orient the reader? ● How does your narrative's structure contribute to the development of the plot? ● How have you ensured that your writing style and conventions are appropriate for your audience? ● What logical resolution have you provided for your narrative?

Sample Formative Assessments

Story Mapping Graphic Organizer

● Activity: Students complete a graphic organizer to map out the plot, setting, characters, and major events of their narrative.

● Objective: To plan the structure and key elements of their narrative text.

Mood and Tone Analysis

● Activity: Students analyze a passage for mood and tone, then write a brief explanation of how they will use descriptive language to create mood and tone in their own narrative.

● Objective: To use descriptive language effectively to establish mood and tone.

Last Updated May 30th, 2024 Middle School ELA, Page 147

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