Middle School English Language Arts Instructional Guide

Standard: Reading 11

Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

Learning Intentions: ● To understand how authors develop and contrast points of view in literary texts. ● To analyze the effects created by different points of view in a text. ● To determine the author's point of view or purpose in informational texts. ● To analyze how authors distinguish their positions and respond to conficting viewpoints. Success Criteria: ● I can identify and explain how an author develops different points of view in a text. ● I can analyze the effects created by contrasting points of view, such as humor, sadness, or suspense. ● I can determine the author’s point of view or purpose in an informational text. ● I can analyze how the author distinguishes their position from others and responds to conficting evidence or viewpoints.

a. Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of di ff erent characters or narrators in a text and how this creates a variety of e ff ects (e.g., humor, sadness, suspense). (RL) b. Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author distinguishes their position from that of others and responds to conflicting evidence or viewpoints. (RI)

Nouns (Know)

Verbs (Do)

● Contrast ● Point of view/Purpose ● Characters ● Narrators ● Effects (e.g., humor, sadness, suspense) ● Conficting Evidence

● Analyze ● Determine

Sample Question Stems and Prompts for Assessment

● "How does the author develop the points of view of different characters in this story?" ● "What effects does the contrast between these points of view create?" ● "Can you identify the author’s point of view or purpose in this text?" ● "How does the author distinguish their position from that of others?" ● "What strategies does the author use to respond to conficting evidence or viewpoints?"

Sample Formative Assessments

Author's Purpose and Perspective Infographic (RI)

● Activity: Students create an infographic that outlines the author's point of view or purpose in an informational text. They will include how the author distinguishes their position from others, key evidence supporting their viewpoint, and responses to conficting evidence. ● Objective: To evaluate students' ability to visually represent an author's purpose and perspective, and their skill in synthesizing and organizing information from the text.

Last Updated May 30th, 2024 Middle School ELA, Page 135

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