Middle School English Language Arts Instructional Guide

Standard: Reading 6

Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

Learning Intentions:

a. When reading texts, including those from diverse cultures, determine a theme, analyze its development including its relationship to the characters, settings, and plot, and provide an objective summary that includes textual evidence. (RL) b. When reading texts, including those from diverse cultures, determine the main idea, analyze its relationship to supporting ideas, and provide an objective summary that includes textual evidence. (RI)

● To identify the theme or main idea of a text. ● To analyze the development of the theme or main idea, including its relationship to characters, settings, plot, and supporting ideas.

● To create an objective summary of the text. ● To support the summary with textual evidence. Success Criteria:

Nouns (Know)

Verbs (Do)

● I can determine the theme or main idea of a text. ● I can analyze how the theme or main idea develops in relation to characters, settings, plot, and supporting ideas. ● I can provide an objective summary of the text. ● I can include textual evidence to support my summary.

● Diverse Cultures ● Theme/Main idea ● Characters ● Settings ● Plot ● Supporting ideas ● Objective summary ● Textual evidence

● Determine ● Analyze ● Summarize

Sample Question Stems and Prompts for Assessment

● "What is the theme or main idea of the text? How did you determine it?" ● "How does the theme or main idea develop throughout the story?" ● "How do the characters, settings, and plot contribute to the theme or main idea?" ● "What supporting ideas help develop the main idea?" ● "Can you provide a summary of the text that includes the theme or main idea and key details?" ● "What textual evidence supports your analysis of the theme or main idea and its development?"

Last Updated May 30th, 2024 Middle School ELA, Page 125

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