5th grade Instructional Guide

I-CANyons Report Card Standards Fifth Grade ELA SPEAKING & LISTENING ● Participate effectively in discussions ● Discuss and investigate information ● Use correct grammar, volume and pronunciation when speaking and presenting READING ● Demonstrate phonics skills in reading and spelling ● Read accurately and fluently to support comprehension within the 865-980 Lexile band ● Identify text evidence to explain a text and make inferences ● Determine main ideas, themes using key details; summarize ● Compare characters, setting, events or information and their relationships ● Define and analyze figurative language, content words, and their effect on the meaning within a text ● Use morphology, context or other strategies to determine the meaning of multiple meaning words and phrases ● Analyze text structure within literary and informational texts ● Explain how the narrator’s point of view influences event details and analyze multiple accounts of the same topic or event ● Analyze how multiple sources, including multimedia elements contribute to the understanding of a text and support problem solving ● Explain how reasons and evidence support specific claims in informational text ● Compare stories in the same genre and integrate information from several texts to speak or write knowledgeably


● Write argument pieces ● Write informational pieces ● Write narrative pieces ● Conduct research ● Write cursive and manuscript fluently

Updated 9.20.24

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