5th grade Instructional Guide


McGraw Hill Unit 1: Investigate Matter

Module: Matter

Lesson 1: Identifying the Properties of Matter Lesson 2: Mixtures and Solutions Lesson 3: Physical and Chemical Changes Lesson 4: Solids, Liquids, Gasses

Success Criteria: I’ll know when I have learned it when I can explain how the solid and the liquid in the pictures have combined to create a solution.

Can be done in ELAblock

POSSIBLE EXTENSIONS ● “A Day In The Life of a Chemist” Pg. 28 ● Culminating Activity for clarifcation: Physical/Chemical Sort

○ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ucQ7fN658dCG_PMp-CMvwG9cpmjdx9pR_k G5BDHWVEQ/edit ● Conservation of Mass Demonstration

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