2nd grade Instructional Guide

2nd Grade Math Scope & Sequence

Differentiation in Action

Sentence Starters After students have completed Problem Solving Item 10 in Lesson 9-3, have them display and share their different pictures of place-value blocks that show 793. Discuss why the different models are all correct, as well as the values being modeled in each. Provide sentence starters such as the following to support the discussion:

Skill Building

“I drew _____ to model 793 because ________.” “I drew 793 with pictures of _____. My pictures show _____hundreds, _______tens, and _____ones.” “I drew only ________________.” “All of these drawings show __________________.”

9-10: Pick a Project: How Hot Is Hot? For additional extension, students can add more planets and/or write each number in different ways.


Interdisciplinary Connections


STEM project is not connected directly to 2nd grade Utah SEEd standards but could be used to extend math and science understanding.

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