12th grade ELA
a. Use the same login as you do for school-1stletterfirstname, 1st3lastname, last4studentid, then full student id number for password. The login is in the upper right-hand corner. You can also get to these databases by going to cchs.canyonsdistrict.org (or your school) and choosing Our School, then Media Center, then Online Resources. 2. EBSCO:A University Library Database a. Go to onlinelibrary.uen.org b. Select“EBSCO” c. Select “All Databases” d. Selectthespecificdatabasesthatapplytoyourresearchtopic e. Conduct your advanced search f. *Note: From home, you will need a username and password to access onlinelibrary.uen.org i. User: online ii. Pass: learning (as of August 1,2018) 3. GALE Reference Collection for Grades 9-12: a. Go to onlinelibrary.uen.org → Gale Reference Collection 9-12 b. Select the databases that relates to your research topic c. Conduct your advanced search d. *Note: From home, you will need a username and password to access onlinelibrary.uen.org i. User: online ii. Pass: learning (as of August 1,2018) 4. SIRS Researcher: ( School) CCHS Home Page → Our School → Media Center → Online Resources → SIRS Researcher a. *Note: From home, you will need a username and password to accessonlinelibrary.uen.org i. login: CORNERCANYON (school) (casesensitive) ii. Pass: chargers (casesensitive) 5. Google ScholarTutorial
Canyons School District MLA Annotated Bibliography
Use this citation guideline based on the MLA Handbook 7th edition to create an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a works cited page that includes
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