12th grade ELA

a. Use the same login as you do for school-1stletterfirstname, 1st3lastname, last4studentid, then full student id number for password. The login is in the upper right-hand corner. You can also get to these databases by going to cchs.canyonsdistrict.org (or your school) and choosing Our School, then Media Center, then Online Resources. 2. EBSCO:A University Library Database a. Go to ​ onlinelibrary.uen.org b. Select“EBSCO” c. Select “All Databases” d. Selectthespecificdatabasesthatapplytoyourresearchtopic e. Conduct your advanced search f. *Note: From home, you will need a username and password to access onlinelibrary.uen.org i. User: online ii. Pass: learning (as of August 1,2018) 3. GALE Reference Collection for Grades 9-12: a. Go to ​ onlinelibrary.uen.org ​ → Gale Reference Collection 9-12 b. Select the databases that relates to your research topic c. Conduct your advanced search d. *Note: From home, you will need a username and password to access onlinelibrary.uen.org i. User: online ii. Pass: learning (as of August 1,2018) 4. ​ SIRS Researcher: ​ ( School) CCHS Home Page → Our School → Media Center → Online Resources → SIRS Researcher a. *Note: From home, you will need a username and password to accessonlinelibrary.uen.org i. login: CORNERCANYON (school) (casesensitive) ii. Pass: chargers (casesensitive) 5. ​ Google ScholarTutorial

Canyons School District MLA Annotated Bibliography

Use this citation guideline based on the MLA Handbook 7th edition to create an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a works cited page that includes

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