12th grade ELA
required pre-assessment writing task, the required required post-assessment writing task (the final research essay),and any optional writing benchmarks teachers assign throughout the year. Data will be collected and used to gauge growth and inform instruction. You will find these standards in the rubrics for the writing tasks. The rubrics are included in this document and are attached to the assignments in the Canvas CSD 12 Grade ELA course.
Writing 12.1.A
I can introduce a precise, knowledgeable claim and establish the significance of that claim.
Writing 12.1.A Writing 12.1.A
I can distinguish my claim(s) from any alternate or opposing claim(s)
I can create an organization that logically sequences claim(s), counterclaim(s), reasons (supporting arguments), and evidence.
Writing 12.1.A
I can introduce a precise, knowledgeable claim and establish the significance of that claim.
Writing 12.1.B Writing 12.1.C
I can develop my claims by supplying relevant and convincing evidence.
I can use words, phrases,clauses, and varied syntax to link the major sections of my text in order to create a cohesive, unified text.
Language 12.2
I can demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Writing 12.8
Avoid plagiarism with the use of MLA or APA formatting which is complete and correct,including in-text citation and Works Cited/Reference page.
Note: When you are at school, you will have access to these databases without using the login and password, but at home, you will need to use them as listed below: 1. DESTINY WEBSITE- http://destiny.canyonsdistrict.org
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