1st Grade Instructional Guide

1st Grade Scope & Sequence


Wonders TE pgs T484 - 491 Read “The Night Sky” Read “Billions of Stars” Observe the Sky

Strand 1.1: SEASONS AND SPACE PATTERNS Seasonal patterns of motion of the Sun, Moon, and stars can be observed, described, and predicted. These patterns may vary depending on the region, location, or time of year. Wonders TE pg T230 Reading and Writing Companion-”What Made Thomas Edison a Good Inventor?” Social Studies standard 1.1.2: Summarize the contributions of a diverse range of historical fgures and groups in their community, state, and nation and evaluate their signifcance (for example, fgures might be chosen based on their examples of honesty, integrity, morality, civility, duty, honor, service, respect, obedience to law).

Social Studies

Arts Integration


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