Special Education K-5 ELA and Supplemental Guide
Kindergarten Scope & Sequence
● Before reading, have children listen to a summary of the selection, available in multiple languages. ● Point out the word banks in the Reading Writing Companion or provide one if not available when students are completing writing or speaking tasks to support their responses. ● For initial writing tasks, demonstrate the Student Model found in the Resource Library >Writing>Student Model. Point out the examples and non-examples, pictures, language and structure a student will need in order to be able to reproduce their own. ● For Newcomers, use the resources in the Resource Library>Newcomers link. Use these during small groups to develop foundational skills and build background knowledge. ● In discussion, model and have students use the sentence frames provided in the Interactive Question-Response Routine to help children understand the story and word banks to support their responses. Help partners think of their sentence (Who is the actor? (I) What do you like to share? I like to share crayons.). ● Go through the Visual Vocabulary cards to build content knowledge using the Defne/Example/Ask routine.
Skill Building
Research and Inquiry Projects (Teacher or Student Choice) ● “How to Be a Good Friend” (T54) ● “How a Baby Animal Moves” (T136) ● “The Senses” (T216) Differentiated Instruction: Beyond Level: Independent Study (T81 and T163) Differentiated Instruction: Beyond Level: Oral Vocabulary (T245)
The science in Unit 1 has no connections to the Utah Kindergarten SEEd standards.
Social Studies
Wonders TE T54: Research and Inquiry “How to Be a Good Friend” research.
Strand 3: Civics Social Studies standard K.3.2: List and describe the essential qualities needed to learn and work together as friends, neighbors, and family members (for example, honesty, integrity, morality, civility, duty, honor, service, respect, obedience to law).
Arts Integration
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