Special Education K-5 ELA and Supplemental Guide

Behavioral Instructional Priorities TIER 1 Implementation Guide

Link to Tier 1 - Instructional Guide document

POSITIVE TEACHER-STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS Definition (link-in rationale) Positive Teacher/Student Relationship is a variable that can encourage students to be more engaged and involved in learning. Positive relationships in a classroom assist in making students feel respected and valued. Once students feel respected and valued, they work harder and perform higher.

Implementation Example(s): “Morning Greetings” - teachers should greet students individually by name, as well as use a non-verbal greeting, and make positive and pre-corrective statements encouraging good behavior or suggesting how the student should begin the day. This approach promotes a sense of belonging in the classroom, builds a sense of community, and reduces students’ and teachers’ stress levels as they begin the day. ● Positive greetings at the door of classroom increased students’ academic engagement by 20% and decreased disruptive classroom behavior by 9%, according to a study published in the Journal of Positive Behavior and potentially adds an extra hour of learning per day. “Morning Meetings or Community Circles” - ● Consistency: morning meetings should occur daily ● Safety and Predictability: expectations for participation are established and reinforce (safe to share, always okay to pass) Fidelity Check: Student/Teacher Interview: ❏ Does the student know the routine in the morning (choice at door, option to pass, etc)? ❏ Can students affirmatively answer predetermined questions about the teacher’s care and interest in them? ❏ Can the teacher answer a set of predetermined questions about students’ lives/preferences/habits/needs? Utilizing a 2x10 strategy: ❏ Where are data stored and is the 2x10 finished at 10 days? (At the end of 10 days, notice instances of overall classroom/student behavior, is there a change?) Outside Observer: ❏ Does the teacher consistently run this routine each morning? ❏ How do start of day routines run once students have been greeted at the door?

Implementation Guidelines: ● For Morning Greeting, select a greeting or a combination of greetings ● For Morning Meetings

or Community Circles, identify and teach the format

● Use students’ first names ● Use a positive facial expression and genuinely positive

demeanor during your interactions

● Document morning greetings using a

calendar or data sheet so that you can hold yourself accountable for consistency improvements in students’ behavior so you can assess the effect of the intervention

● Monitor for

References: Edutopia, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1098300717753831a , https://www.ascd.org/el/articles/the-two-minute-relationship-builder

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