Special Education K-5 ELA and Supplemental Guide
Kindergarten Scope & Sequence
TE Units 9-10 Research and Inquiry T208: Products from Trees TE Units 9-10 Differentiated Instruction T216-T233: Look Where it is From, What’s for Breakfast
Strand: Living Things and Their Surroundings Standard K.2.3: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how living things (plants and animals, including humans) affect their surroundings to survive. Examples could include squirrels digging in the ground to hide their food, plant roots breaking concrete, or humans building shelters. Wonders TE Page T52: Research and Inquiry Students research ways children can help out at home. Wonders TE Page T130: Research and Inquiry Students research ways to be a good citizen. Wonders TE Page 208: Research and Inquiry Students research products made from trees Strand: Civics Standard K.3.1: Describe some of the rules students or family members follow and why they are important as a member of a family, class, and school Standard K.3.2: List and describe the essential qualities needed to learn and work together as friends, neighbors, and family members (for example, honesty, integrity, morality, civility, duty, honor, service, respect, obedience to law). Standard K.3.3.: Identify ways that people work together to build a strong community (for example, parents, religious leaders, teachers and other school personnel, police offcers, frefghters, soldiers, business owners). Strand: Economics Standard K.4.2: Relate how different types of work can help people and communities meet their needs and wants.
Social Studies
Arts Integration
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