Special Education K-5 ELA and Supplemental Guide

Kindergarten Scope & Sequence


TE Units 5-6 Integrate Ideas T59: Draw What a Plant Needs TE Units 5-6 Differentiated Instruction T60-T75: My Garden, My Garden Grows, The Mystery Seeds TE Units 5-6 Research and Inquiry T130-T131: How a Tree Grows TE Units 5-6 Integrate Ideas T136-T137: Connect to Essential Question, Draw How a Plant Grows TE Units 5-6 Differentiated Instruction T138-T153: The Tree, Many Trees, Our Apple Tree TE Units 5-6 Research and Inquiry T208-209: Plants TE Units 5-6 Integrate Ideas T214: Connect to the Essential Question TE Units 5-6 Differentiated Instruction T216-T231: The Farmer, Let’s Make a Salad, Farm Fresh Finn TE Units 5-6 Wrap up the Unit T234: The Big Idea: What kinds of things can you fnd growing in nature? Strand: Living Things and Their Surroundings Standard K.2.1: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe patterns of what living things (plants and animals, including humans) need to survive. Emphasize the similarities and differences between the survival needs of all living things. Examples could include that plants depend on air, water, minerals, and light to survive, or animals depend on plants or other animals to survive. Standard K.2.2: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about patterns in the relationships between the needs of different living things (plants and animals, including humans) and the places they live. Emphasize that living things need water, air, and resources and that they live in places that have the things they need. Examples could include investigating plants grown in various locations and comparing the results or comparing animals with the places they live.

Social Studies

Unit 5 has no connections to the Utah Kindergarten Social Studies Standards.

Arts Integration


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