Visual Arts Guide

Utah Core Standards Secondary Visual Arts - Grade 6


Students will generate artistic work by conceptualizing, organizing, and completing their artistic ideas. They will refine original work through persistence, reflection, and evaluation (Standards 6.V.CR.1-11).

● Standard 6.V.CR.1: Combine concepts collaboratively to generate an innovative idea for art making.

● Standard 6.V.CR.2: Formulate an artistic investigation of personally relevant content for creating art.

● Standard 6.V.CR.3: Demonstrate openness in trying new ideas, materials, methods, and approaches in making works of art and design.

● Standard 6.V.CR.4: Explain environmental implications of conservation, care, and cleanup of art materials, tools and equipment.

● Standard 6.V.CR.5: Design or redesign objects, places, or systems that meet the identified needs of diverse users.

● Standard 6.V.CR.6: Reflect on whether personal artwork conveys the intended meaning, and revise accordingly.


Students will analyze, interpret, refine and select artistic work for presentation. They will convey meaning in the manner in which the art is presented (Standards 6.V.P.1-4) .

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