Social Studies HS Guide

○ High levels of productivity and effciency ○ Strong institutions and rule of law ○ Openness to trade and investment ○ Social and environmental sustainability

○ High human development index ○ Innovation and entrepreneurship ○ Quality of infrastructure and services ● Defne less-developed places and more-developed places. ● Identify and analyze patterns of developments that differentiate less-developed and more-developed places.

VOCABULARY ● Attributes

● Developed economy ● Patterns of development ● Less-developed places ● More-developed places DIFFERENTIATION IN ACTION

● Inquiry

Skill Building

● Themes and Lenses


STRAND5: Economic Development




● See Geography Year at aGlance ● Work together as a

PLC to determine individual standard pacing.


Students will describe & compare the function and distribution of economic activities in primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors

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