Social Studies HS Guide

STRAND4: Political Systems




● See Geography Year at aGlance ● Work together as a

● Study of Controversial Issues

PLC to determine individual standard pacing.


Students will explain how cooperation and confict have many causes, such as: differing ideas regarding boundaries, resource control, and use AND ethnic, tribal and national identities. CONCEPTS (Nouns) SKILLS (Verbs) LANGUAGE SUPPORTS ● Cooperation ● Confict ● Boundaries ● Explain ● Explain ● Best Practices for MLs in Secondary Content Area Classes

● Resource control ● Ethnic identities ● Tribal identities ● National identities

LEARNING PROGRESSIONS ● Identify and explain causes of cooperation and confict, such as: ○ Differing ideas regarding boundaries ○ Resource control and use ● Identify and defne:

○ Ethnic identities ○ Tribal identities ○ National identities ● Identify and explain how ethnic, tribal, and national identities can be causes of cooperation and confict. VOCABULARY ● Cooperation ● Confict

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