Social Studies HS Guide

Unit 4

Fiscal Policies and Decisions



● Semester: (3.5 weeks) ● Trimester: (About two weeks)

● Con fl ict ● Compromise ● Progress


Fiscal policies can have profound implications in the daily lives of citizens. An essential component of understanding government and civics rests in deliberating government’s roles in the economy. Informed citizens and understand taxation, budgets, and debt as these concepts relate to the government. Students use this understanding of basic economic principles to make informed decisions, knowing that economic policies are a re fl ection of economic philosophies and values. UTAH STANDARDS Core Standards: U.S. GOV Standard 4.1: ● Students will examine the fi scal decisions governmental agencies must make and the economic philosophies that guide those decisions. ○ Learning Intention #1: ■ Students will examine the fi scal decisions governmental agencies must make. ○ Learning Intention #2: ■ Students will examine the economic philosophies that guide fi scal decisions governmental agencies make. U.S. GOV Standard 4.2: ● Students will explain how government services and other budget priorities are funded through various forms of revenue streams, such as fees, bonding, and regressive taxes - property tax and sales tax, and progressive taxes - income tax. ○ Learning Intention #1: (focuses on one form of revenue stream, educators may choose any from the list above.) ■ Students will explain how government services and other budget priorities are funded through regressive taxes. ○ Learning Intention #2: (focuses on one form of revenue stream, educators may choose any from the list above.) ■ Students will explain how government services and other budget priorities are funded through progressive taxes. U.S. GOV Standard 4.3: ● Students will propose and defend budget priorities at either the local, state, tribal, or federal level; and share their fi ndings with appropriate stakeholders. ○ Learning Intention #1: ■ Students will propose budget priorities at either the local, state, tribal, or federal level. ○ Learning Intention #2: ■ Students will defend budget priorities at either the local, state, tribal, or federal level. ○ Learning Intention #3: ■ Students will share their fi ndings with appropriate stakeholders.

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