Social Studies HS Guide

● See US History II Year at aGlance ● Work together as a

● Thinking Like an Historian ● K-12 Research Frameworks

PLC to determine individual standard pacing.

STANDARDS Students will apply historical perspective and historical thinking skills to propose a viable solution to a pressing environmental, social, or economic issue, such as failing social security, economic inequalities, the national debt, oil dependence, water shortages, global climate change, pandemics, pollution, global terrorism, and poverty. CONCEPTS (Nouns) SKILLS (Verbs) LANGUAGE SUPPORTS

● Historical thinking skills ● Historical perspective ● failing social security ● economic inequalities ● the national debt ● oil dependence ● water shortages ● global climate change ● pandemics ● pollution ● global terrorism ● poverty

● Apply ● Propose a viable solution

● Inform ● Argue ● Best Practices for MLs in Secondary Content Area Classes


● Review historical thinking skills chart. ● Identify pressing environmental, social, or economic issues, such as:

○ Failing social security ○ Economic inequalities

○ The national debt ○ Oil dependence ○ Water shortage ○ Global climate change ○ Pandemics ○ Pollution ○ Global terrorism ○ Poverty ● Review key components of research. ● Choose one of the pressing environmental, social, or economic issues identifed using historical perspective and historical thinking skills propose a viable solution.


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