Social Studies HS Guide

STRAND1: Humansand Their Physical Environment




● See Geography Year at aGlance ● Work together as a

● K-12 Research Frameworks

PLC to determine individual standard pacing.


Students will use geographic reasoning to propose actions that mitigate or solve issues, such as natural disasters, pollution, climate change, and habitat loss. CONCEPTS (Nouns) SKILLS (Verbs) LANGUAGE SUPPORTS ● Geographic reasoning ● Mitigate issues ● Solve issues ● Natural disasters ● Pollution ● Climate change ● Habitat loss ● Propose ● Argue ● Best Practices for MLs in Secondary Content Area Classes LEARNING PROGRESSIONS ● Describe the concept of geographic reasoning, including tools and methods, such as maps, GIS, spatial analysis, etc. ● Defne and provide examples of the following geographic issues: natural disasters, pollution, climate change, and habitat loss. ● Identify and explain how geographic reasoning can be used to mitigate or solve issues, such as natural disasters, pollution, climate change, and habitat loss. ● Review key elements of research. ● Use geographic reasoning to propose actions that mitigate or solve issues, such as: ○ Natural disasters, examples may include: ■ Hurricanes ■ Earthquakes

■ Volcanoes ■ Tornadoes

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