Secondary Literacy Guide

Class Profle – Access Newcomers and System44

Directions: Use this chart to support your students enrolled in Access Newcomers and/or System 44. Monday Tuesday Wednesday



Whole Group Learning

● All instruction takes place in a Whole Group Setting. ● All students participate in the four parts of an Access Newcomers Lesson for the class period -- Look and Explore, Listen and Talk, Reading and Write, and Develop Language ● Supplement instruction using the Phonemic Awareness & Alphabet Recognition section of the RDI book

Phase 1

Phase 2

Access Newcomers

Phase 3

System 44 Do Now

Small Group Learning

Phase 2

Differentiate Small Group Instruction Using: ● RDI lessons to reteach phonics skills based on Student Application data ● Reteach Access lessons ● Enrichment using Access Lessons

Phase 3

System 44 Small Group lessons using the student 44 Book

System 44 small group lesson/Stretch text lessons using the student 44 Book or reteach phonics skills using the RDI lessons ** monitor Student Application data and supplement with RDI lessons when needed.

Student Application

Phase 2 & Phase 3

Students use the Self-Monitoring Chart to keep track of where they are in the self paced System 44 student application.

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