Secondary Literacy Guide

Placement and Exiting

Placement and exiting into or out of a Literacy class should be based on multiple data points. We encourage teams to place students based on the last 5 Reading Inventory scores to ensure that students show a trend, rather than a single data point.

On the following pages you will find an Entry Flowchart and an Exit Flowchart, as well as movement flowcharts between the programs listed below.

Other Criteria to Consider: ● Attendance ● Grades ●

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WIDA Reading Scores

Benchmark Data: DWSBA, RISE, Aspire

Behavior (can’t vs. won’t)

Considerations for students with an IEP If the IEP does not specifically address reading as part of the services and the students is reading below grade level, we encourage SPED teams to place the student in a Literacy class (does not necessarily need to be a SPED teacher).

Resources to support placement: Database - This will help counselors easily identify students who are projected to be on level.

Parent Letter Version 1 Parent Letter Version 2

General Guidelines for Program Placement: Read 180 Lexile 600+ Or Lexile <600 with

System 44 Lexile <600 Pre, Beginning,

Access Newcomers MLs new to the country MLs with a WIDA score of 1 or 2

Advancing Decoder on the Phonics Inventory

Developing Decoder on the Phonics Inventory

Literacy skills with an emphasis on: Language Acquisition and Development, Vocabulary, Background and Content Knowledge

Literacy skills with an emphasis on: Vocabulary, Comprehension, Writing

Literacy skills with an emphasis on: Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Fluency

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