CTESS ebook

No Missed Opportunities for Greater Depth of Knowledge (DOK) • The teacher provided opportunities for students to engage in the appropriate level of cognitive rigor. Missed Opportunity for Greater Depth of Knowledge (DOK) • The teacher missed opportunities for students to engage in higher level(s) of cognitive rigor. B4. The teacher strategically and effectively uses scaffolds (from the list of Common High Yielding Scaffolds) to increase student learning during the observation. Scaffolding is the intentional practice of implementing a student support structure designed to maximize access and depth to grade-level concepts and tasks. The list of Common High Yielding Scaffolds includes: (1) pre-teaching/front loading; (2) providing models/examples; (3) structured partner or small group work for purposeful learning; (4) rubrics that outline the expectations for learning and how students can meet the success criteria, or how students self-assess their work; (5) structured sentence starters and sentence frames for classroom discussion or writing tasks; (6) graphic organizers that help students visualize relationships between facts/concepts/ideas; (7) visual supports and realia that are incorporated into instruction; (8) cue cards to assist in discussions and assignments; and (9) engineering text to make it accessible to all learners. Highly Evident • Of the Common High Yielding Scaffolds that were observed, two or more were used strategically and effectively to increase learning for a specific student or a group of students. Evident • Of the observed Common High Yielding Scaffolds that were observed, at least one was used strategically and effectively to increase student learning for a specific student or group of students. Partially Evident • One or more Common High Yielding Scaffolds were observed being used, but they were not used strategically to increase student learning. Not Evident • No attempts at using any of the Common High Yielding Scaffolds were observed.


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