CTESS ebook

Self-Assessment: Professional Learning Goal (Teacher Responsibility)

The annual Self-Assessment is a required component of the USBE evaluation model to link instructional practices to student achievement. The process for completing the Self-Assessment Template involves developing a Professional Learning Goal, then implementing the plan, and then reflecting on progress toward that goal. • Administrators may grant an extension to the due dates for special circumstances such as illness, extended leave, or family emergency. Part 1: Self-Assessment and Goal Setting Teachers will review their most recent IPOP data and feedback from their school administrator in order to target which instructional practice to work toward improving in the coming school year. • Teachers who are new to CSD and do not yet have IPOP data, should base their Professional Learning Goal on an instructional strategy from one of the following CTESS Standards: Classroom PBIS (Standard 1), Utah Core Standards (Standard 2), Student Engagement (Standard 5), or Feedback (Standard 6). • By August 30, teachers must submit a Professional Learning Goal based on their most recent formal IPOP data and administrator feedback, if available. Teachers who do not submit their Professional Learning Goal by the due date will receive a reminder e-mail. If teachers still do not submit their Professional Learning Goal after receiving the reminder e-mail, they will then receive a Memo of Concern from their school administrator. • Administrators may provide feedback regarding individual Professional Learning Goals and request revisions as needed. A Professional Learning Goal is a statement about the instructional practices that a teacher intends to implement to increase the likelihood that students will master the content . • Yearly Professional Learning Goals focus on individual educators’ profes sional growth and are linked to projected student outcomes. • Teachers determine the instructional adjustments that are most likely to lead to students acquiring growth toward targeted skills (this is the Professional Learning Goal). • Teachers identify what evidence will demonstrate progress toward the Professional Learning Goal and how frequently this evidence will be collected to monitor progress. • Teachers consider their most recent IPOP data, administrator’s feedback, and possibly a schoolwide or team goal. • Teachers who are new to CSD and do not yet have IPOP data, should base their Professional Learning Goal on an instructional strategy from Standard 1, 2, 5, or 6. Teachers will complete the following sentence starters in order to generate the Professional Learning Goal: • My professional learning goal is to adjust my instruction in the following way(s)… • I will collect the following data to demonstrate my progress in implementing these instructional adjustments (include when and how the data are collected) … The steps below detail how teachers develop an annual Professional Learning Goal: Step 1: Teachers develop the Professional Learning Goal using the SMART goal framework using recent IPOP data and administrator feedback. • Professional Learning Goal: •


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