STEM Concepts
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STEM Concepts
Utah Career and Technical Education 2022-2023 AT-A-GLANCE
Career and Technical Education provides all students access to high-quality, rigorous career-focused programs that result in attainment of credentials with labor market value.
Data Represents Secondary Education Source of Data: Utah State Board of Education
185,256 Students enrolled in CTE courses
of CTE concentrators 97% graduate in 4 years. Native American Caucasian Asian Pacific Islander Black Hispanic Economically disadvantaged Homelessness Students with disabilities 92.8% 95.1% 96.1% 96.4% 96.9% 97.0% 97.2% 98.1% 91.7% 72.2% of students who concentrated in a CTE Pathway placed in postsecondary education, military service, or employment, within six months after graduation. (October 1-December 31, 2021-2022)
97% Graduation rate for students 99% who are CTE concentrators
Graduation rate for students who are CTE completers
graduatio Compared to Utah’s statewide n rate of
50.1% of students concentrated in a CTE Career Pathway. A concentrator is a student who has completed specific requirements in a single CTE program of study. 18.2% of students completed a CTE Career Pathway. A completer is a student who has completed specific course requirements and earned 3.0 credits in a single CTE program of study.
CREDENTIALS OF VALUE CTE Competency Certificates earned
144,201 * TOP CERTIFICATIONS Food and Nutrition 1 Child Development Woods 1 Commercial Photo 1 Interior Design 1 Exploring Computer Science 1
* Utah skill certifications, business, trade association, or other industry group
Utah Career and Technical Education
Top Pathways Students completing a CTE Career Pathway are recognized by the state of Utah and their high school by receiving a CTE Secondary Pathway Completer recognition Award. CTE Career Pathways with the Highest Completer Rates Health Science Broadcasting & Digital Media Programming & Software Development Business Information Management
WORKPLACE and COLLEGE READINESS 9th–12th grade CTE concentrators who earned credit, at “C” grade or better, in (CE, or IB, or AP) OR who passed skill certification/third-party industry exams. 85.2%
Engineering Automotive
Utah Members National Members 22,386 students are members of a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO).
Students who participate in school organizations in 10th grade have higher grade point averages and are more likely to be enrolled in college at 21 years of age than other students (
47,015 students participated in
124,065 CTE Concurrent Enrollment (CE) credits earned
Students have opportunities to earn CE credits i CTE courses. CE provides prepared high school students with a challenging and rigorous college-level experience. Students in the program receive both college and high school credit.
College and Career Awareness is a middle school course designed to increase awareness of college and career pathways. Students explore high school, college, and career options based on individual interests , abilities , and skills . Students investigate high-skill and/or in-demand jobs in the Utah labor market, while developing workplace skills.
Utah CTE classes are open to all qualified students without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age.
Utah State Board of Education | 250 East 500 South | P.O. Box 144200 | Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200 Sydnee Dickson, Ed.D. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Thalea Longhurst, State Director of Career and Technical Education
Published January 2024
CTE Knowledge Corner
CTE Key Vocabulary
Word/ Abbreviation
Association for Career and Technical Education (National)
A group of careers and industries that are related by skills or products.
Career Cluster
College and Career Awareness
College and Career Readiness
Concurrent Enrollment
Career and Technical Education
A secondary student who has met all of the requirements of a CTE pathway by completing 3.0 credits with one course being a concentrator course. A secondary student who has completed at least two courses, with at least one concentrator course, in a specifc CTE pathway. A Career Pathway is a sequence of courses within a student's area of interest that connects career interests and serves as an educational road map leading to a credential. Utah has developed 35 CTE Career Pathways that align with the national Career Clusters.
CTE Completer
CTE Concentrator
CTE Pathway
Career & Technical Student Organization
CTSO for future leaders and entrepreneurs in careers in marketing, fnance, hospitality and management.
CTSO- for Future Educators
Educators Rising
CTSO- Future Business Leaders of America
CTSO- Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
Family Consumer Science
CTSO- Future Farmers of America
CTSO-Future Health Professionals
Information Technology
A listserv is an automatic emailing service. As a member of a list, you will receive copies of all the mail that is sent to the group. Lists are used to share information and ideas, ask for help or clarifcation on topics, etc.
Federal CTE funding
CTSO- for Future Skilled Workers
Technology & Engineering
CTSO- Technology Student Association
Utah State Board of Education
Utah Association for Career and Technical Education
Work-Based Learning
Helpful Websites ● ACTE ● CSDCTE ● USBE- CTE ● UtahACTE
Utah CTE Career PATHWAYS Pathways to College & Career Readiness School Year 2024-2025
Career Cluster® > Career Pathway
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources > Agricultural Mechanics Systems > Agricultural Production Systems > Animal & Veterinary Science > Food Science, Dietetics & Nutrition > Natural Resource Science > Plant Science Architecture & Construction > Architectural & Interior Design > Construction & Structural Systems Arts, Audio/Visual Technology & Communications
Education & Training > Pre-K: Early Childhood Education > K-12: Teaching as a Profession Engineering & Technology > Engineering Health Science > Health Science Hospitality & Tourism > Culinary Arts > Hospitality & Tourism Human Services > Family & Human Services > Personal Care Services Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security > Protective Services Manufacturing > Manufacturing & Production > Welding & Machining Transportation, Distribution & Logistics > Automotive >Aviation >Diesel
> Broadcasting & Digital Media > Fashion Apparel & Textiles > Graphic Design & Communication Business, Finance & Marketing
>Business >Finance > Marketing Computer Science & Information Technology > Cybersecurity > Information Technology Systems > Programming & Software Development > Web Development
32 CTE Career Pathways
As of August 2023 ADA Compliant: August 2023
Year- at- a Glance STEM Concepts
STEM CONCEPTS, A/B Day 1st Trimester
1st Trimester
2nd Trimester
2nd Trimester
3rd Trimester
3rd Trimester
Introduction ToSTEM
STEM Literacy
Engineering Design Process
STEM Competencies (Technology and Engineering)
STEM Competencies (Math and Science)
Processional Workplace Skills
Pacing 6 Weeks
STEM Literacy
Engineering Design Process
Key Technology Skills Key Engineering Skills
Key Mathematics Skills Key Science Skills
Demonstrating self-representation/professionalism skills. Demonstrating practical speaking and listening skills. Demonstrating teamwork skills. Demonstrating creativity and resourcefulness. Demonstrating critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Demonstrating information technology skills. Demonstrating time-, task-, and resource management skills.
Scientific Literacy
Key Concepts
Technology Literacy Engineering Literacy Mathematics Literacy
STEM Education
STEM Concepts, Semester
1st Quarter/3rd Quarter
2nd Quarter/4th Quarter
STEM Definitions STEM Literacy Engineering Design Process
STEM Competencies Professional Workplace Skills
STEM Science
Demonstrating self-representation/professionalism skills. Demonstrating practical speaking and listening skills. Demonstrating teamwork skills. Demonstrating creativity and resourcefulness. Demonstrating critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Demonstrating information technology skills. Demonstrating time-, task-, and resource management skills.
Technology Engineering Mathematics STEM Education STEM Literacy Scientific Literacy
Key Concepts
Technology Literacy Engineering Literacy Mathematics Literacy Engineering Design Process
DWSBA and Testing Window: (DWSBAs are found in the CSD CTE DWSBA Canvas Course) Pre-Assessment: Within the frst two weeks of the semester. Post Assessment : Within the last two weeks of the semester.
SALTA Extensions: ● Consider precision partnering or individualized work for PBL and simulation assignments. ● Allow a student to develop potential new projects for the cluster area lesson. ● Students developed lesson materials (graphic organizers, relevant articles, career brochures, etc.). ● Consider more involved projects: e.g., instead of the student making the pencil roll, allow the student to make a drawstring bag.
Unit 1
Introduction to STEM
Key Language Usage
● A/B Day Schedule: 4 weeks ● Semester Schedule: 2 Weeks
Narrate Argue Inform Explain
Key Standard(s) STEM includes four specifc disciplines—science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. Most people have a clear concept of Math and Science. Many are far less clear about Engineering or Technology, particularly in how they differ. ● Science is the study of the natural world, including the laws of nature associated with physics, chemistry, and biology and the treatment or application of facts, principles, concepts, and conventions associated with these disciplines. Science is both a body of knowledge that has been accumulated over time and a process—scientifc inquiry—that generates new knowledge. Knowledge from science informs the engineering design process. ● Technology , while not a discipline in the strictest sense, comprises the entire system of people and organizations, knowledge, processes, and devices that go into creating and operating technological artifacts, as well as the artifacts themselves. Throughout history, humans have created technology to satisfy their wants and needs. Much of modern technology is a product of science and engineering, and technological tools are used in both felds. “Technology” is not merely computers or using a computer to solve a problem. Technology is far more than that. ● Engineering is both a body of knowledge—about the design and creation of human-made products—and a process for solving problems. This process is designed under constraints. One constraint in engineering design is the laws of nature or science. Other constraints include time, money, available materials, ergonomics, environmental regulations, manufacturability, and reparability. Engineering utilizes concepts from science and mathematics as well as technological tools. ● Mathematics is the study of patterns and relationships among quantities, numbers, and space. Unlike in science, where empirical evidence is sought to warrant or overthrow claims, claims in mathematics are warranted through logical arguments based on foundational assumptions. The logical arguments themselves are part of mathematics along with the claims. As in science, knowledge in
mathematics continues to grow, but unlike in science, knowledge in mathematics is not overturned, unless the foundational assumptions are transformed. Specifc conceptual categories of K-12 mathematics include numbers and arithmetic, algebra, functions, geometry, statistics, and probability. Mathematics is used in science, engineering, and technology. ● STEM Education is a course or program of study that prepares students for successful employment, post-secondary education, or both that require different and more technically sophisticated skills including the application of mathematics and science skills and concepts. It also prepares students to be competent, capable citizens in our t echnology-dependent, democratic society. ● STEM Education is far more than a grouping of four subjects and is best viewed in terms of its attributes, which transcend the four disciplines. A commonly referenced defnition of STEM education is: “…an interdisciplinary approach to learning where rigorous academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons as students apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in contexts that make connections between school, community, work, and the global enterprise enabling the development of STEM literacy and with it the ability to compete in the new economy.” - Tsupros, 2009 ● STEM Education is the intentional integration of concepts that are usually taught as separate subjects in different classes and an emphasis on the application of knowledge to real-life situations. A lesson or unit in a STEM class is typically based on fnding a solution to a real-world problem and tends to emphasize project-based learning. Many STEM lessons involve building prototypes and creating simulations. A good STEM lesson ensures that students understand the connection to the real world. A great STEM lesson engages students in developing critical thinking and collaborative skills by engaging and persevering in real-world problem-solving.
End of Unit Competency ● Students can explain the meaning of STEM.
● Students can identify and defne the four disciplines of STEM.
● Students can narrate how to complete a project incorporating the four stem disciplines.
● Students can argue the importance of STEM education and its importance in society.
Language Functions & Features:
■ Generalized nouns to introduce a topic and entity ■ Opening statements to identify the type of information
■ Verbs to defne career pathways or attributes (eg. have, be, belong to, consist of) ■ Expanded noun groups to defne key concepts, add details, or classify information ■ Reporting devices to acknowledge outside sources and integrate information into the report as in saying verbs and direct quotes ■ Technical word choices to defne and classify entities. ■ Adjectives and adverbs to answer questions about quantity, size, shape, and manner ( descriptions) Differentiation in Action Skill Building Science :
● Scientifc Method: Develop skills in using the scientifc method to conduct experiments and investigations. ● Data Analysis: Analyze data from experiments, understand charts and graphs, and conclude. ● Understanding Systems: Study basic biological, physical, and chemical systems (e.g., ecosystems, simple machines, states of matter).
Technology :
● Intermediate Computer Skills: Use more advanced computer functions and text-based programming (e.g., Python basics). ● Digital Literacy: Understand the role of technology in society, ethical use of technology, and internet safety.
Engineering :
● Engineering Design Process: Learn the steps of the engineering design process—ask, imagine, plan, create, and improve. ● Prototyping: Build and test prototypes to solve specifc problems. ● Simple Circuits and Mechanics: Understand and build basic circuits, and explore simple mechanics (e.g., levers, pulleys).
Mathematics :
● Advanced Arithmetic: Develop profciency in arithmetic operations with larger numbers, fractions, and decimals. ● Introduction to Algebra: Understand basic algebraic concepts, and solve simple equations. ● Geometry and Measurement: Study properties of shapes, calculate area, and volume, and understand the properties of angles.
● Design comprehensive project-based learning units that require students to apply STEM concepts to real-world scenarios, such as designing a sustainable city, developing a health monitoring system, or creating an educational game.
Resources/ Suggested Lesson(s) ● STEM Action Center Utah:
● PBS Learning:
● STEM Curriculum:
Skills: ● Students can identify and explain the four disciplines of STEM. ● Students can argue the importance of STEM education in society.
Scaffolded Learning: ● Have students create a presentation to inform others about the four disciplines of STEM and the importance of STEM education in society. ● Consider having students make a Flipgrid, Prezi, Google Slides, or Google site. ● Provide students with a rubric outlining the presentation's critical components. Vocabulary ● STEM ● Science
● Technology ● Engineering ● Mathematics ● STEM Education
Unit 2
STEM Literacy
Key Language Usage
● A/B Day Schedule: 4 Weeks ● Semester Schedule: 2 weeks
Narrate Argue Inform Explain
Standards Several professional organizations in STEM have developed working defnitions of STEM literacy in each of their content areas while acknowledging the integrated and interrelated nature of STEM education. The National Governors Association, the College Board, Achieve, Inc., and STEM professional organizations have recommended ways to demonstrate the connections between STEM domains: ● Scientifcally literate students use scientifc knowledge not only in physics, chemistry, biological sciences, and earth/space sciences to understand the natural world, but they also understand the scientifc need for existing and new technologies, how new advances in scientifc understanding can be engineered, and how mathematics is used to articulate problems. ● Technologically literate students understand that technology is the innovation with or manipulation of our natural resources to help create and satisfy human needs. ● Engineering literacy means understanding how past, present, and future technologies are developed through the engineering design process to solve problems. ● Mathematically literacy is defned as students knowing how to analyze, reason, and communicate ideas effectively and mathematically pose, model, formulate, solve, and interpret questions and solutions in science, technology, and engineering. Through problem/project-based learning situations, students weave together and communicate their understanding of STEM concepts. Concepts that were once taught in isolation become tangible and relevant to their daily lives. Integrated approaches to STEM education in the context of real-world issues can enhance motivation for learning and improve student interest, achievement, and persistence. These outcomes also have the potential to increase the number of students who consider pursuing a STEM-related feld. End of Unit Competency ● Students can explain what scientifcally literate means.
● Students can explain technological literacy.
● Students can explain the importance of engineering literacy.
● Students can argue why being STEM literate is essential in today’s society.
● Students narrate how to effectively communicate using STEM concepts. Language Functions & Features:
■ Generalized nouns to introduce a topic and/or entity ■ Opening statements to identify the type of information
■ Verbs to defne career pathways or attributes (eg. have, be, belong to, consist of) ■ Expanded noun groups to defne key concepts, add details or classify information ■ Reporting devices to acknowledge outside sources and integrate information into the report as in saying verbs and direct quotes ■ Technical word choices to defne and classify entities ■ Adjectives and adverbs to answer questions about quantity, size, shape, manner ( descriptions) Differentiation in Action Skill Building Science Literacy 1. Inquiry-Based Learning:
● Encourage students to ask questions, design experiments, and explore scientifc phenomena through hands-on activities. ● Use the scientifc method to guide students in formulating hypotheses, conducting experiments, and analyzing data.
2. Cross-Disciplinary Projects:
● Integrate science with other STEM felds in projects, such as designing an eco-friendly product that requires an understanding of biology, chemistry, and environmental science. ● Encourage students to explore how scientifc advances can lead to technological innovations and engineering solutions.
3. Real-World Applications:
● Use case studies and current events to show how scientifc knowledge is applied in real-world scenarios. ● Invite guest speakers from scientifc felds to discuss their work and its impact on society.
Technology Literacy
Hands-On Technology Projects:
● Engage students in building and programming projects, such as creating
robots, developing apps, or designing digital games. ● Use tools like Arduino or Raspberry Pi to teach basic electronics and programming concepts.
2. Exploring Technological Impact:
● Discuss the societal and environmental impact of technology, encouraging students to think critically about ethical considerations. ● Assign research projects on historical and contemporary technological innovations and their effects on society.
3. Integration with Other STEM Fields:
● Incorporate technology into science experiments (e.g., using sensors and data loggers) and engineering projects (e.g., CAD software for designing prototypes). ● Use technology to solve mathematical problems and visualize complex data.
Engineering Literacy
1. Engineering Design Challenges:
● Present students with real-world problems to solve using the engineering design process (e.g., designing a bridge, or creating a water fltration system). ● Encourage iterative testing and refnement of designs to emphasize the importance of prototyping and problem-solving.
2. Collaboration with Industry:
● Partner with local engineering frms or universities to provide students with mentorship and real-world engineering experiences. ● Organize feld trips to engineering sites, such as manufacturing plants, construction sites, or research labs.
3. Interdisciplinary Projects:
● Integrate engineering projects with science and technology, such as designing and building a model renewable energy system. ● Use mathematical modeling to support engineering designs and validate solutions.
Mathematical Literacy
1. Problem-Based Learning:
● Use real-world problems that require mathematical modeling and reasoning, such as optimizing a business plan, analyzing population growth, or solving engineering challenges. ● Encourage students to pose their own questions and develop mathematical approaches to solving them.
2. Visualization and Tools:
● Utilize graphing calculators, software (e.g., GeoGebra, MATLAB), and other technological tools to visualize mathematical concepts and data. ● Teach students to interpret and create charts, graphs, and models to represent mathematical solutions.
3. Integration with Other STEM Fields:
● Apply mathematical concepts in science experiments (e.g., calculating reaction rates), technology projects (e.g., coding algorithms), and engineering designs (e.g., stress analysis). ● Use interdisciplinary projects to highlight the role of mathematics in solving complex STEM problems.
● Regularly connect classroom learning to real-world contexts, discussing how STEM professionals address global challenges, such as climate change, healthcare, and technological advancement. ● Use guest speakers, virtual feld trips, and industry partnerships to expose students to STEM careers and applications.
Resources/ Suggested Lesson(s) ● Standards for Technology and Engineering Literacy Video ● PBS Learning Knowledge of Technology Videos
Skills: ● Students can explain what it means to be Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math literate.
Scaffolded Learning: ● Science Lesson:
○ Have students complete one of the lessons from the link above, and identify key components of science literacy as a result of successful completion of the task(s). ● Math Lesson: ○ Have students complete one of the lessons from the link above, and identify key components of math literacy as a result of successful completion of the task(s). ● Engineering Lesson : Have students design a cardboard box for a selected object from the classroom. Provide students with a rubric that includes the following; ○ Evidence that students can identify key engineering components. ○ Evidence that students can design a successful box to ship the object safely. ○ Parameters that can help reduce waste and shipping costs. ● Technology Lesson : Have students watch two videos of their choice on the PBS Learning Knowledge of Technology website. Have students further research the topics discussed in the videos to create their own video that argues how their technology topic is essential to understanding technology in today’s society and how to become technology literate. Consider having students use Nearpod, Edpuzzle, or Khan Academy. Vocabulary ● Scientifcally Literate ● Technologically Literate ● Engineering Literacy ● Mathematically Literate
Unit 3
STEM Competencies
Key Language Usage
● A/B Day Schedule: 4 Weeks ● Semester Schedule: 2 Weeks
Narrate Argue Inform Explain
Standards ● STEM teaches and trains students to engage in critical thinking, inquiry, problem-solving, collaboration, and what is often referred to in engineering as “design thinking”. These stand out as skills that all students and workers will need to be successful in college, career, and life. ● While the four STEM disciplines defne categories of knowledge, STEM is equally defned by learning strategies and competencies. It is strongly associated with skills, abilities, work interests, and work values (Carnevale, Melton, and Smith, 2011). Skills include foundational content skills, such as mathematics; processing skills, such as critical thinking and self-awareness; and problem-solving skills, such as evaluating options and implementing solutions. Abilities are defned as enduring personal attributes that infuence performance at work, such as creativity, innovation, reasoning, and oral and written communication. Work values are individual preferences for work outcomes, such as recognition, responsibility, or advancement. Work interests are defned as individual preferences for work environments such as environments that are artistic, enterprising, or conventional. There is a growing demand for these competencies throughout today’s economy beyond the traditional STEM occupations, highlighting the importance of implementing a broad STEM strategy across K-12 education in America (Carnevale et al., 2011). ● Moreover, readiness for a career in STEM is more than skills, abilities, work interests, and work values. It is a convergence of these with self-knowledge, adaptability, and a commitment to lifelong learning that makes students ready to achieve a fulflling, fnancially-secure, and successful career in an ever-changing global economy. ● Specifc attention and focus are given to developing rudimentary skills in Mathematical and scientifc reasoning, Technology design, Systems analysis and evaluation, Deductive and inductive reasoning, and Practical application of engineering science. This may include instruction in foundational skills, such as keyboarding, coding, and documenting the design process in an engineering notebook.
End of Unit Competency ● Students can identify strategies to become STEM literate.
● Students can explain the critical competencies of STEM.
● Students can explain the foundational skills necessary in each of the four areas associated with STEM. ● Students can narrate their own abilities, work interests, and work values in relation to STEM careers.
● Students can identify and explain STEM careers. Language Functions & Features: ■ Generalized nouns to introduce a topic and/or entity ■ Opening statements to identify the type of information
■ Verbs to defne career pathways or attributes (eg.; have, be, belong to, consist of) ■ Expanded noun groups to defne key concepts, add details, or classify information ■ Reporting devices to acknowledge outside sources and integrate information into the report as in saying verbs and direct quotes ■ Technical word choices to defne and classify the entity ■ Adjectives and adverbs to answer questions about quantity, size, shape, manner ( descriptions) Differentiation in Action Skill Building Foundational Content Skills Mathematics :
1. Flipped Classroom: Use video lessons for homework and class time for engaging in problem-solving activities and collaborative projects. 2. Math Labs: Create a hands-on environment where students explore mathematical concepts through experiments and real-life applications. 3. Real-World Problems: Incorporate real-world data and scenarios into math problems to demonstrate relevance and application.
Science :
1. Inquiry-Based Learning: Encourage students to ask questions, design experiments, and conduct investigations. 2. Field Studies: Organize trips to natural habitats, research labs, or industrial sites to observe and analyze scientifc principles in action. 3. Science Journals: Have students maintain science journals to
document hypotheses, experiments, observations, and conclusions.
Processing Skills
Critical Thinking :
1. Debate and Discussion: Integrate structured debates on scientifc and technological issues to promote critical analysis and diverse viewpoints. 2. Case Studies: Analyze real-world case studies where students must identify problems, evaluate options, and propose solutions. 3. Socratic Seminars: Use Socratic questioning to deepen understanding and encourage thoughtful dialogue.
Self- Awareness:
1. Refective Practice: Incorporate regular refection sessions where students assess their learning processes and outcomes. 2. Mindfulness Activities: Introduce mindfulness exercises to help students become more aware of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. 3. Personal Learning Plans: Guide students in creating and updating personal learning plans that refect their interests, goals, and progress.
Problem-Solving Skills :
1. Project-Based Learning (PBL): Engage students in projects that require identifying problems, researching solutions, and presenting their fndings. 2. Design Challenges: Present students with engineering design challenges that involve brainstorming, prototyping, testing, and iterating solutions. 3. Simulations and Role-Playing: Use simulations and role-playing scenarios where students must navigate complex problems and make decisions based on limited information.
Creativity and Innovation
1. Maker Spaces: Set up maker spaces equipped with tools and materials for students to create and experiment. 2. Art-Infused STEM: Integrate art into STEM projects to encourage
creative thinking and innovation. 3. Innovation Competitions: Host innovation competitions where students propose and develop new ideas or products.
Reasoning :
1. Logic Puzzles and Games: Use logic puzzles, strategy games, and coding challenges to enhance deductive and inductive reasoning. 2. Mathematical Proofs: Encourage students to explore and write mathematical proofs to develop logical reasoning skills. 3. Ethical Dilemmas: Present ethical dilemmas in STEM felds for students to analyze and reason through.
Oral and Written Communication :
1. Presentation Skills: Teach and practice presentation skills through regular opportunities to present projects and fndings. 2. Writing Workshops: Conduct writing workshops focused on scientifc and technical writing, including lab reports, research papers, and documentation. 3. Peer Review: Implement peer review processes where students critique and provide feedback on each other’s work.
1. Career Exploration: Provide opportunities for students to explore various STEM careers through internships, job shadowing, and guest speakers. 2. Interest Inventories: Use interest inventories and personality assessments to help students identify their preferences and align them with potential careers. 3. Service Learning: Incorporate service-learning projects that allow students to apply STEM knowledge to community issues, emphasizing responsibility and social impact. 4. Lifelong Learning Plans: Encourage students to create lifelong learning plans that include goals for continued education and skill development. 5. Adaptive Learning Technologies: Use adaptive learning technologies that adjust to students’ learning paces and styles. 6. Personalized Feedback: Provide personalized feedback that helps students understand their strengths and areas for improvement.
Resources/ Suggested Lesson(s) Energy at Your School- Students will identify the energy sources for their schools and homes. They will construct a plan to conserve energy at school and at home. Objective- Design an object, tool, or process that minimizes or maximizes heat energy transfer. Identify criteria and constraints, develop a prototype for interactive testing, analyze data from testing, and propose modifcations for optimizing the design solution. Emphasize by demonstrating how the structure of different materials allows them to function as either conductors or insulators. Performance Expectations- Students will analyze and interpret data to determine the energy effciency of their school. Students will ask questions about their own home’s energy effciency construct explanations, and design solutions for their homes. Objectives- Students will develop models to show that molecules are made of different kinds, proportions, and quantities of atoms. They will emphasize the understanding that there are differences between atoms and molecules and that certain combinations of atoms form specifc molecules. Examples of simple molecules could include water (H2O), atmospheric oxygen (O2), and carbon dioxide (CO2). Next, students will construct an explanation for how the availability of natural resources, the occurrence of natural hazards, and changes in climate affect human activity. Examples of natural resources could include access to fresh water, clean air, or regions of fertile soil. Examples of factors that affect human activity could include that rising sea levels cause humans to move farther from the coast, or that humans build railroads to transport mineral resources from one location to another. Smoke in a Bottle- How are complete and incomplete combustion different? How do the products affect us?
Performance Expectations- Students should ask questions and analyze data related to the use
of wood or solid fuel, compared to gas fuel or renewable energy sources such as solar or wind. The cause and effect of the combustion of various fuels will be compared.
Making a Makerspace- This lesson will teach you some of the basics for starting a Makerspace in your school and some of the cool lessons you can teach with basic circuitry and augmented reality. Great Salt Lake Ecosystem- This lesson plan provides an eight-day fow of educational activities in which students use the Great Salt Lake ecosystem to explore food webs and how changes in living and nonliving factors affect different populations. The lesson fulflls Standards 6.4.3 and 6.4.4. Curriculum authored by Megan Black.
● STEM Strategies ● STEM Competencies ● STEM Skills ● STEM Abilities
Unit 4
The Engineering Design Process
Key Language Usage
● A/B Day Schedule: 4 Weeks ● Semester Schedule: 2 Weeks
Narrate Argue Inform Explain
Standards Activities in STEM should be focused on problem-solving and employ a disciplined approach. There are numberless versions of engineering design cycles. While a specifc version is not being imposed, an effective problem-solving process generally includes the following steps: 1. Identify the design problem and decide how to address it. ● Investigate existing design solutions. ● Identify requirements and constraints and determine how they will affect the design process and record them in an engineering notebook. ● Clearly and concisely defne the problem to be solved and the measurements of successfully addressing the problem in an engineering notebook. 2. Brainstorm solutions. ● Document multiple solutions in an engineering notebook. 3. Create a prototype of the proposed design using available facilities and materials. ● Mathematical models ● Scale models 4. Test the prototype, record the results, and evaluate the performance of the design. ● Identify and record both failures and successes in an engineering notebook. ● Evaluate the performance of the prototype against the stated requirements. 5. Redesign the prototype by repeating the design process to further optimize the design . ● Reconsider any discarded ideas. ● Look for mathematical relationships and use them to identify the factors that affect the design the most. ● Record the results of the engineering process in an engineering notebook. Students need to be taught that design problems are seldom presented in a clearly defned form and that the design requirements (e.g., the criteria, constraints, and effciency) sometimes compete with one another. The process of engineering design considers many factors including safety, reliability, cost, quality control, the environment, manufacturability, maintenance & repair, and human factors. Engineering design is infuenced by the designer’s personal characteristics, such as creativity, resourcefulness, and the ability to visualize and think abstractly. As they seek a solution to the problem, they should focus on developing the best solution rather than determining the “right” answer. The ideas supporting design choices must be refned and improved. Students need to develop the habit of continually checking and critiquing their work. That iterative process is critical to success. ● Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each proposed solution. ● Decide on and record the best solution in an engineering notebook.
End of Unit Competency ● Students can identify and explain the steps of the engineering design process.
● Students can narrate how to use the design process to solve a problem.
● Students can explain why using the design process to solve a problem is important.
Language Functions & Features: ■ Generalized nouns to introduce a topic and entity ■ Opening statements to identify the type of information
■ Verbs to defne career pathways or attributes (eg.; have, be, belong to, consist of) ■ Expanded noun groups to defne key concepts, add details, or classify information ■ Reporting devices to acknowledge outside sources and integrate information into the report as in saying verbs and direct quotes ■ Technical word choices to defne and classify the entity ■ Adjectives and adverbs to answer questions about quantity, size, shape, manner ( descriptions)
Differentiation in Action Skill Building
Identify the Problem Identify and Investigate:
1. Problem Defnition Workshops:
● Conduct workshops where students practice defning and understanding complex problems, breaking them down into manageable parts. ● Assign research tasks where students investigate existing design solutions, analyze their effectiveness, and report their fndings. ● Teach students to maintain detailed engineering notebooks where they document requirements, constraints, and initial problem defnitions.
2. Research Assignments:
3. Engineering Notebooks:
Brainstorm Solutions
Idea Generation and Evaluation:
1. Brainstorming Sessions:
● Facilitate structured brainstorming sessions using techniques like mind mapping, SCAMPER (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse), or brainwriting. ● Use solution matrices to help students evaluate and compare the strengths and weaknesses of different ideas systematically. ● Implement peer review processes where students present their ideas and receive constructive feedback from classmates.
2. Solution Matrices:
3. Peer Review:
Create a Prototype
Prototyping Techniques:
1. Hands-On Workshops:
● Provide hands-on workshops where students learn to create prototypes using materials like cardboard, 3D printers, or basic electronics kits. ● Teach students to develop mathematical models that simulate their designs and predict performance. ● Encourage the creation of scale models to test and visualize design concepts before building full-sized prototypes.
2. Mathematical Modeling:
3. Scale Models:
Test the Prototype
Testing and Evaluation:
1. Structured Testing Protocols:
● Develop structured protocols for testing prototypes, including specifc performance metrics and testing conditions. ● Teach students to collect and analyze data rigorously, using statistical methods to evaluate the performance of their prototypes.
2. Data Collection and Analysis:
3. Failure Analysis:
● Encourage students to conduct failure analysis to understand why a prototype did not meet requirements and document fndings in their engineering notebooks.
Redesign the Prototype
Iterative Improvement:
1. Refection and Feedback Sessions:
● Hold refection sessions where students review their prototype's performance, discuss what worked and what didn’t, and plan improvements. ● Conduct workshops focused on iterative design, emphasizing the importance of refning and improving prototypes based on test results. ● Guide students to explore mathematical relationships and use them to optimize their designs, reinforcing the connection between math and engineering.
2. Iterative Design Workshops:
3. Mathematical Relationships:
● Integrate real-world projects that require students to address practical problems with multiple constraints, such as designing sustainable housing or developing assistive devices. ● Promote collaborative projects where students work in teams, leveraging diverse skills and perspectives to solve complex problems. ● Encourage regular critical refection where students assess their design choices, identify areas for improvement, and iterate on their solutions. ● Bring in guest speakers from the engineering feld to discuss real-world design challenges and solutions, and take students on feld trips to engineering frms or research labs. ● Develop soft skills such as creativity, resourcefulness, abstract thinking, and communication through activities like design challenges, presentations, and collaborative projects.
Resources/Suggested Lesson(s) ● The Engineering Design Process Taco Video ● Teach Engineering: Engineering Design Process Website
Skills: ● Students can identify and explain the steps of the engineering design process and how to use it to engineer a product.
Scaffolded Learning: ● Have students complete one or more of the activities suggested on this website: Teach Engineering Design Process Activities
● Aesthetics ● Brainstorming ● Constraints ● Consumer ● Criteria ● Design ● Design Brief ● Dimension ● Ergonomics ● Experimentation ● Model ● Prototype ● Requirements ● Research
Unit 5
Workplace Skills
Key Language Usage
● A/B Day Schedule: 4 Weeks ● Semester Schedule: 2 Weeks
Narrate Argue Inform Explain
Standards Although they may not participate in the workplace for many years, STEM activities provide students with an opportunity to begin developing and honing skills that are essential to success in a professional environment. Those skills include: 1. Demonstrating self-representation/professionalism skills. ● Dressing appropriately (i.e., adhering to professional rather than personal standards) ● Maintaining personal hygiene ● Adhering to respectful, polite, and professional practices (e.g., language and manners suitable for a professional environment). 2. Demonstrating effective speaking and listening skills. ● Exhibiting public and group speaking skills ● Comprehending details and following directions ● Repeating directions or requests to ensure understanding (i.e., practicing active listening). 3. Demonstrating teamwork skills. ● Contributing to the success of the team (e.g., brainstorming solutions, volunteering, performing in the assigned role) ● Assisting others (e.g., supporting team members and leaders, taking initiative) ● Requesting help when needed (e.g., asking questions after consulting manuals on policies and procedures, knowing when to seek help from coworkers and supervisors). ● Negotiating diplomatic solutions to interpersonal conficts in the workplace (e.g., personality issues, cultural difference issues, disagreements over how to handle work projects, performance issues). 4. Demonstrating creativity and resourcefulness. ● Contributing new ideas (e.g., for improving products and procedures) ● Displaying initiative readily, independently, and responsibly ● Dealing skillfully and promptly with new situations and obstacles ● Developing procedures that sustainably use resources. 5. Demonstrating critical thinking and problem-solving skills. ● Recognizing, analyzing, and solving problems that arise in completing assigned tasks
● Identifying resources that may help solve a specifc problem ● Using a logical approach to make decisions and solve problems. 6. Demonstrating information technology skills.
● Working with available equipment and software/applications ● Working with network/cloud and fle-management techniques effectively ● Seeking additional technology to improve work processes and products. ● Using the Internet effciently and ethically ● Identifying the risks of posting personal and work information on the Internet (e.g., on social networking sites, job search sites) ● Taking measures to avoid Internet security risks (e.g., viruses, malware). 7. Demonstrating time-, task-, and resource-management skills. ● Organizing and implementing a productive plan of work (e.g., setting and meeting short-and long-term goals) ● Working effciently to make the best use of time ● Maintaining equipment to ensure longevity and effciency ● Using natural resources (and products made from them) sustainably.
End of Unit Competency ● Students can narrate and explain self-representation/professionalism skills.
● Students can narrate and explain effective speaking and listening skills.
● Students can narrate and explain teamwork skills.
● Students can argue the importance of creativity and resourcefulness skills in the workplace.
● Students can identify and explain critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
● Students can identify and explain common information technology skills necessary in the workplace. ● Students can explain how time, task, and resource management skills are for the workplace. Language Functions & Features: ■ Verbs to defne career pathways or attributes (eg.; have, be, belong to, consist of) ■ Expanded noun groups to defne key concepts, add details, or classify information ■ Reporting devices to acknowledge outside sources and integrate information into the report as in saying verbs and direct quotes ■ Technical word choices to defne and classify the entity ■ Adjectives and adverbs to answer questions about quantity, size, shape, manner ( descriptions) ■ Generalized nouns to introduce a topic and/or entity ■ Opening statements to identify the type of information
Differentiation in Action
Professional Dress Days:
Skill Building
● Organize "professional dress days" where students are required to dress in business attire. Discuss the importance of appearance and personal hygiene in a professional setting.
Role-Playing Exercises:
● Conduct role-playing scenarios where students practice professional interactions, such as job interviews, client meetings, and networking events.
Professional Etiquette Workshops:
● Offer workshops on professional etiquette, including proper language use, manners, and respectful communication.
Public Speaking Assignments:
● Assign regular public speaking tasks where students present their STEM projects to the class, focusing on clear communication and effective presentation skills.
Active Listening Exercises:
● Implement exercises where students must listen to detailed instructions or stories and then repeat or summarize what they heard to ensure comprehension.
Group Discussions and Debates:
● Facilitate group discussions and debates on STEM topics to practice both speaking and active listening skills.
Collaborative Projects:
● Assign group projects that require students to collaborate, share responsibilities, and support each other to achieve a common goal.
Team-Building Activities:
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