SALTA 4th grade

McGraw Hill Unit: Our Dynamic Earth


Module: Earth and it’s Changing Features

Total Time: 270 Minutes About 2 Weeks

Lesson 2: Evidence from Rocks & Fossils

Module: Earthquakes

Lesson 2: Model Earthquake Movement

in ELA Block

story based on a past environment and the fossils found in that location.


30 Min Learning Intentions:


I am learning about how Earth’s Forces affect patterns in rock layers so I can make inferences about the past based on rock layers. Success Criteria: I’ll know I have learned it when I can connect my reading to the pictures and explain how the landscape has changed over time. I am creating a model of fossils and rock layers so I can explore how scientists learn the estimated age of fossils. Success Criteria: I’ll know I have learned it when I can explain where the oldest fossils are found. Learning Intentions: I am learning how fossils can help us learn from the past. Success Criteria: I’ll know I have learned it when I can match evidence to a claim and write a reason for my claim. I am learning how rocks and fossils tell us about the past by writing an explanation describing how rock formations and fossils tell us about the past environments.

Lesson: Earth Forces Can be done in ELA block


20 Min Learning Intentions:

Clay 3-5 small objects (example: pencil, paper clip, eraser, Marbles)


Lesson: Fossil Model

Arguing from Evidence Activity Can be done in ELA block


Not in McGr aw Hill

Evaluate the Phenomena

30 Min Learning Intentions:


Writing Prompt

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