SALTA 4th grade

Phonemic Awareness High Quality Implementation Checklist

During Instruction of Phonemic Awareness

Teacher follows preplanned skill sequence for developing phonemic awareness

Teaches easier sounds before more difficult sounds

Teacher focuses instruction by modeling using cues, wait time and signaling

Teaches students to break apart words into syllables, first sound or individual phonemes. Push up, chips, unifix cubes, etc.

Teacher gives guided practice with a routine

Teacher has a cue that is consistent, crisp, and quickly paced Teacher has wait time of 2 seconds Teacher cues the students to respond consistently, crisply, well paced and in unison Teacher watches student responses and gives corrective feedback, repeats and returns to task

Teacher watches student responses and gives corrective feedback

Provides check for understanding on skill by individual students

05/09/19 Adapted from Digital Workshops (Reading First) for CSD and CTL ECRI routines

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