SALTA 4th grade

4th Grade Writing Performance Task UNIT Four: Narrative

Standard: W.4.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. Orient the reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally. Use dialogue and description to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to situations. Use a variety of transitional words and phrases to manage the sequence of events. Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely. Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events. Prompt: Use what you have learned from reading The Case of the Gasping Garbage, Seeker of Knowledge and Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Slippery Salamander to write a short story about solving a puzzle or mystery. Organize the events in time order from beginning to end, and except for the one place where you look back to past event. Refer to the texts you reread to help you decide how best to organize the events in your story. Materials : GO #23, Writing to Sources Book pg. 126-127, Speaking and Listening Rubric, Academic Language Scripts, Grade Level Four Square GO for narrative, and Utah Compose Part I: Re-read and Take Notes (30 minutes) • Follow the directions on page 126 of your Writing to Sources book. • Using graphic organizer (GO) #23 Time Line from the Teacher’s online Resources under digital transparencies and have students take notes during re-reading to enable students to cite details from the text. Part II: Write and Collaborate (20-30 minutes) • Write using the blackline on page 127 of your Writing to Sources book, using the GO #23 . • Collaborate with a partner or small group and discuss short responses from page 127 . Use the Academic Language Scripts in your map Build on What Others Say

• I agree with what __________ said because.... • You bring up an interesting point and I also think.... • That’s an interesting idea. I wonder...? I think...Do you think....? • I thought about that also and I’m wondering why...? • I hadn’t thought of that before. You make me wonder if.... Do you think...? • _______________ said that.... I agree and also think... • Based on the ideas from ______, ______, and ______, it seems like we all think that...

• While students are collaborating, use the Speaking and Listening rubric to assess. • Have students add-on and adjust their thinking by adding to their short response questions. Part III: Writing Prompt (30 minutes) • Using the Narrative Four-Square template organize your thinking based on the prompt. • Using Utah Compose , have students respond to the prompt. Encourage students to refer to the Four-Square template and their notes from the collaboration.

*Some prompts have been adjusted to address DOK 4

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