SALTA 4th grade

4th Grade Writing Performance Task UNIT Two: Argument

Standard: W.4.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose. Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details. Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases. (e.g., for instance, in order to, in addition ). Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented. Prompt: Do people do a better job when they are part of a team or when they are working alone? Us what you learned by reading about teamwork in Coyote School News, Scene Two, and Horse Heroes to write an argumentative essay in which you state your opinion about whether team work or individual work is more productive. Cite evidence supporting your opinion with details from the three texts. Materials: GO #17, Writing to Sources Book pgs. 62-63, Speaking and Listening Rubric, Academic Language Scripts, Four Square GO for opinion, and Utah Compose Part I: Re-read and Take Notes (30 minutes) • Follow the directions on page 62 of your Writing to Sources book. • Using graphic organizer (GO) #17 from the Teacher’s online Resources under digital transparencies, take notes about details during re-reading to enable defending their choice. Part II: Write and Collaborate (20-30 minutes) • Write using the blackline on page 63 of your Writing to Sources book, using the graphic organizer #27. • Collaborate with a partner or small group and discuss short responses from page 63 . Use the Academic Language Scripts Build on What Others Say

• I agree with what __________ said because.... • You bring up an interesting point and I also think.... • That’s an interesting idea. I wonder...? I think...Do you think....? • I thought about that also and I’m wondering why...? • I hadn’t thought of that before. You make me wonder if.... Do you think...? • _______________ said that.... I agree and also think... • Based on the ideas from ______, ______, and ______, it seems like we all think that...

• While students are collaborating, use the Speaking and Listening rubric to assess. • Have students add-on and adjust their thinking by adding on to their short response questions. Part III: Writing Prompt (30 minutes) • Using the Opinion Four-Square template organize your thinking based on the prompt. • Using Utah Compose , have students respond to the prompt. Encourage students to refer to the Four-Square template and their notes from the collaboration.

*Some prompts have been adjusted to address DOK 4

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