SALTA 3rd grade

Assessment Tasks – Topic 12

Procedural Check

Application Task


Draw a pan of brownies cut into 6 equal shares.

Use graph paper to divide a shape into 4 equal parts. Each equal part having an area of 6 square units.

(DOK 1)

(DOK 2)


For each unit fraction, identify the number of parts that make up the whole.

Juan ate ¼ of the pizza. Draw a picture of the pizza and color the portion that Juan ate. Explain your drawing.

1/8 - ____________ parts in the whole 1/6 - _____________ parts in the whole 1/12 - ____________ parts in the whole (DOK 1)

(DOK 3)


For each number line, tell how many parts make up the whole.

Henry’s 3rd grade class is planting a school garden. They have 6 tomato plants that need to be planted in one row. The plants must be spaced evenly across the row. Draw a number line to show how the tomatoes should be planted.

(DOK 1)

(DOK 2)


Write the following whole numbers as fractions. 5 = 9 = 13 = (DOK 1) Add a dot to represent the lengths below on the line plot. 8, 8 ¼ , 8, 9, 9 ¾, 9 ¾, 8¾ , 9 ¼, 9, 8 ¼

Write two fractions equivalent to 1 whole. Use pictures and words to justify your answer.

(DOK 3)


Use an inch ruler to measure the following objects to the nearest ¼ of an inch. Measure at least 6 items. Create a line plot to represent the items you have measured.

(DOK 2)

(DOK 2)

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