SALTA 1st grade
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
Second Step Curriculum
Second Step is the curriculum used in Canyons School District from grades K-8 to teach social emotional learning. This is a classroom-based curriculum meant to be taught by teachers in order to “increase students’ school success and decrease problem behaviors….It teaches skills that strengthen students’ ability to learn, have empathy, manage emotions, and solve problems.” ( Second Step: Skills for Academic and Social Success curriculum manual, p. 7 ). These skills are meant to be directly taught through the Second Step lessons, but referred to and reinforced throughout the school day. This allows a school community to “(create) a safer, more respectful learning environment that promotes school success for all.” (p. 7)
Critical Actions for Educators: ● Follow the scope and
sequence of the curriculum to help build students’ shared vocabulary and knowledge. opportunities for students to practice and receive reinforcement for using skills they have learned. home-based activities such as the provided Home Links to help families explore and reinforce skills learned.
● Build in frequent
● Partner with families. Provide resources for
There are four units in Second Step for each grade level (color coded by unit):
● ● ● ●
Skills for Learning
Emotional Management
Problem Solving
Each elementary school has been provided with at least two paper copies of the curriculum per grade level. Additionally, CSD elementary teachers may access the digital resources for the curriculum with an access code. Teachers can sign up for an account at: Once an account and login are created, teachers will be asked for an access key which corresponds to their grade level. The left side of this page includes a screenshot of what the activation code section looks like. A teacher’s activation code will be printed on the first page of the curriculum manual. This will provide access to streaming media, posters, lesson plans, objectives, preparation and materials needed, and Home Links to send home to families. The expectation is that Second Step is taught once a week during the designated SEL block for approximately 30 minutes (see master schedule embedded in this curriculum map), and opportunities for students to practice are embedded in other instructional content and daily routines throughout the week. The next pages of the curriculum map include a recommended scope and sequence for that specific grade level.
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