SALTA 1st grade
Scaffold for Writing Text Dependent Questions Grade 2
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas RL.2.8 N/A RI.2.8 Describe how reasons support specific points the author makes in a text.
RL.2.7 Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot. RI.2.7 Explain how specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine works) contribute to and clarify a text. • What does _______ (image/illustration) contribute to what is conveyed in the story? • How does the author feel about _________? • How does the text make you feel? Why? • Why did the author write this?
RL.2.9 Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories) by different authors or from different cultures. RI.2.9 Compare and contrast the most important points presented by two texts on the same topic. • How is the book like the video of this story? How are they different? • How does this story compare to (another story)? • What are the different purposes of (item)? • How do the key ideas in ______(text) compare to key ideas in _____(text). plot/theme/setting compare in _____(text) & _____(text). • How does the
• Not applicable in Reading Literature • Identify the reasons an author gives to support his key point(s). • Explain how author uses reasons and evidence to explain _____. • Identify which reasons/evidence support which point(s). • Describe logical connections between particular sentences and paragraphs.
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