SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map
Tier II Interventions and Supports for MATH
The items outlined in the tables below are meant to assist Building Leadership Teams and Grade Level Teams in defining and implementing MTSS for Tier II Math interventions and supports. Screeners such as Acadience and diagnostics, such as Quick Checks built into each enVision 2.0 lesson, Item Analysis for Diagnosis and Intervention (RtI), Math Diagnosis and Intervention System (MDIS), aid teachers in identifying skill gaps. Resources are then identified and allocated to target supplemental instruction for ALL students.
The table below identifies resources and supports, as well as, recommended time allocation to maximize growth in the identified targeted skills. Not all items would be used simultaneously , and would be chosen to match the needed intensity, and as a tool to support teachers or interventionists with planning and preparation.
Number sense refers to a student’s “fluidity and flexibility with numbers,” (Gersten & Chard, 2001). He/She has a sense of what numbers mean, understands their relationship to one another, can spot unreasonable answers, can make reasonable estimates, is able to perform mental math, understand symbolic representations, sees connections between operations, and can use those numbers in real world situation s. “Just as our understanding of phone mic awareness has revolutionized the teaching of beginning reading, the influence of numbers sense on early math development and more complex mathematical thinking carries implications for instruct ion” (Gersten & Chard, 2001)
Approved Resources and Supports for Skill-Based Instructional Time
Time Allocation for High Quality Implementation 5-15 Minutes a Day
Targeted Skill
Critical Components of Instruction
Grade Level(s)
Intervention Description
Number Sense *These interventions could be used during whole group instruction
Number Talks
• Give opportunities to estimate and justify before solving problems • Pose purposeful number sense questions such as: What do you notice about the numbers? Which is most or greatest? How do you know? Which is least and smallest? How do you know? What else can you tell me about those numbers? How else can we represent that number? Is there still another way? About how much would that be? How did you get that? • Revisit place-value everyday • Use manipulatives to visualize numbers (concrete, representation, abstract • Incorporate teacher and student think-aloud
• Number Talks is a collaborative forum where students build conceptual understanding, number sense and fluency as they solve problems with invented strategies that are shared and justified with peers through a classroom discussion. • Steps to implement Number Talks • Build a safe, risk-free environment • Teacher displays/writes problem on the board and gives students time to solve the problem mentally • Students indicate when they are ready with a solution • Teacher encourages students to find another efficient strategy until all students have a solution • Students are given an opportunity to share their strategies and defend their answer to prove their thinking through classroom discussion Subitizing is a way of instantly recognizing a small number of objects without counting. One key part of effective subitizing is developing pattern recognition. Students can develop such capabilities as unitizing, counting on, and composing and decomposing numbers, as well as their understanding of arithmetic and place value- all valuable components of number sense. Teachers can develop pattern recognition with students using activities such as dot-plates, dominoes, or ten frames
Cost Number Talks: Whole Number Computation, Grades K-5 SKU 9781935099659 $79.95
1-3 Minutes a Day
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