SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map
Group 4 recommendations: Students in this group need intensive instruction in the targeted skill of Phonemic Awareness and Phonics. It is recommended that students in this group receive 30 minutes of intervention daily. It is also recommended, where time permits, that students in this group utilize computer instruction (i.e., Lexia) for independent practice opportunities rather than other independent practice stations. It is critical that students in this group have phonemic awareness daily. Students in this group need to be making above typical or well above typical progress as defined by Acadience Reading, otherwise adjust the intensity of instruction.
Approved Resources and Supports for Skill-based Instruction
Critical Components of Instruction
Targeted Skill
Grade Level(s)
Time Allocation for High Quality Instruction
Intervention Description
Phonemic Awareness and Phonics (Group 4)
Phonemic Awareness Phonics
Fast-paced, 5 lesson sequence spiraled instruction with beginning literacy skills, including phonemic awareness, phonics, writing, dictation. *Intensive scripted program. Schools currently have ERI kits that were provided by ISD. If more are needed contact ISD. Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) is designed to provide systematic and explicit instruction in phonological decoding and comprehension practice. An Instructional alignment is found in the map which identifies lessons appropriate for this group. It may also be used with larger groups for at-risk student populations. Cost: $64.95 from the publisher Provides students with explicitly taught materials that utilize the routines and procedures from K-2 Academy. Lessons are scripted and may be taught by a teacher or interventionist. Cost: District Purchase for 2 kits per school, PSI screener included for every school. Three-day lesson plan sequence using the Reading Street RtI Kit to deliver lessons focused on phonemic awareness and phonics. *This intervention should be delivered by a licensed teacher to ensure appropriate intensity to make gains. All items are aligned to Reading Street. Cost: Small Group Manual provided at HYPE or New Teacher orientation. ~$22.00 at Teacher Resource Center. Decodable Resources available online or ~$2.00 per book ordered from the Teacher Resource Center. Closely aligned to CORE phonics survey for phonics and PA lessons. Diagnostic assessment is included. Materials need initial school level set up. Targeted Skill is mastered over 5 days. *Scripted program supports both students and adult in ease of use. Cost: 1500.00 for a kit and can be used by multiple classrooms or a school
• 30 minutes per day • 5 days a week • 30-40 weeks
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Sound, Word, Phrase, Connected text level reading Spelling Dictation Rereading for fluency Comprehension checks (retelling or summarizing) with writing Sound, Word and Phrase Level Automaticity Identify Phonological Awareness and Phonics needs using diagnostic
• 15 minutes • 4-5 days per week • 10-15 weeks
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• At least 15 min. • 4-5 days per week • Until skills are completed • 30 minutes • 5 days per week • As many weeks as necessary 1
95% Group Phonological Awareness Lessons
SBI Manual Group 4 RtI Kit Phonemic Awareness Phonics Mini Lessons
• 30 minutes per day • 4-5 days per week • 25-30 weeks
95% Group Basic and Advanced Phonics Lessons
July, 09, 2020
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