SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map
Tier II Interventions and Supports for ELA The items outlined in the tables below are meant to assist Building Leadership Teams and grade level teams in defining and implementing MTSS for Tier II English Language Arts interventions and supports. Screeners, such as Acadience Reading, and diagnostics such as 95% Phonological Awareness Screener for Intervention (PASI) and 95% group Phonics Screener for Intervention (PSI) aid teachers in identifying skill gaps. Resources are then identified and allocated to target supplemental instruction for ALL students. The table below identifies resources and supports, as well as, recommended time allocation to maximize growth in the identified targeted gap. Not all interventions would be used simultaneously but rather would be selected to match the needed intensity. Group 1 recommendations: Students in this group are making expected gains from core and need instruction in the targeted skill of comprehension and vocabulary. They perform at benchmark levels in both rate and accuracy on Acadience Reading, or are proficient on RI. Support this group of students with new skills gained in core and with additional instruction in close reading and vocabulary. These students will need text that is motivating, expands vocabulary, worthy of discussion and supports close reading and writing tasks.
Approved Resources and Supports for Skill-based Instruction
Critical Components of Instruction
Targeted Skill
Grade Level(s)
Time Allocation for High Quality Instruction • 15 minutes per day • 4-5 days per week • 20 Weeks
Intervention Description
K- PALS contains systematic activities to improve early reading skills phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency. Cost— available at the District Teacher Resource Center for order. ~$2.00 per book or $64.95 from the publisher Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) is designed to provide systematic and explicit instruction in phonological decoding and comprehension practice. An Instructional alignment is found in the map which identifies lessons appropriate for this group. It may also be used with larger groups for at-risk student populations. Cost: $64.95 from the publisher Designed for paired practice to develop fluency with text. Applies a strategic approach to reading to ensure text comprehension and enhance vocabulary. (Story Share Routine & paragraph shrinking)— *Program after training is recommended as a practice station. No cost if you contact ISD for training and support Cost: $64.95 from the publisher Reading Street TE contains pages at the end of each week for Advanced Level small group instruction one lesson per day. No Cost
• Word Study • Reading and
Comprehension and Vocabulary (Group 1)
discussion for deeper meaning
• Vocabulary • Close Reading • Writing Tasks • Summarizing • Self-monitoring • Research and Inquiry
• 15 minutes • 4-5 days per week • 10-15 weeks
• 10-15 minutes per day • 3-5 days per week • As many weeks as necessary 1
• 15-20 minutes per day • 1-2 days per week • As many weeks as necessary 1
Reading Street Access for All Advanced Level (AL) lessons
July, 09, 2020
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